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Bill C-24 Second Reading on February 27th:


Apr 29, 2014
Looks like the report stage is complete:

Mr. David Tilson (Dufferin—Caledon, CPC):
Mr. Speaker, I have the honour to present, in both official languages, the third report of the Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration in relation to Bill C-24, An Act to amend the Citizenship Act and to make consequential amendments to other Acts. The committee has studied the bill and has decided to report the bill back to the House without amendments.
While I am on my feet, I move:
That the House do now proceed to orders of the day.


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Jun 4, 2014
The bill is 99.99% for sure to be passed by Jun 28. Check the timeline for Bill 31 - first Senate meeting Jun 11, Royal Assent exactly on Jun 28.

It is all possible for the bill to pass the 3rd senate meeting by Jun 20, and royal assent before Jun 28.


Star Member
Jan 18, 2012
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citizenshiper said:
The bill is 99.99% for sure to be passed by Jun 28. Check the timeline for Bill 31 - first Senate meeting Jun 11, Royal Assent exactly on Jun 28.

It is all possible for the bill to pass the 3rd senate meeting by Jun 20, and royal assent before Jun 28.
Hopefully not!


Hero Member
Dec 15, 2010
There are 3 solid days of pre-study in the Senate June 10, 11 and 12 - with ...ahem... only the day when the Minister and his peeps are speaking available via audio (democracy indeed).



Full Member
Feb 21, 2013
Our only hope left is to challenge that the this law is against the constitution in the supreme court.

There will not be any transitional period for almost eligible individuals.


Champion Member
Apr 30, 2012
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So I did some research and the "intent to reside" is one of the conditions to be granted citizenship in many countries, such as UK, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa. Interesting though the US removed it from its naturalization law back in 1994, not sure what the full story is but apparently if someone left the country within a year from becoming a citizen, this was taken as “prima facie” evidence of the person’s lack of intention to live in the U.S. -- and the move thus became grounds for the U.S. government to “denaturalize” the person, or take away his or her citizenship.


Hero Member
Apr 29, 2013
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App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
AOR Received.
IELTS Request
21-01-2012(sent with application)
Med's Request
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
Thr govenment will pass it by its majority this month.. since the begining we knew that this would happen.. the only solution is to have the ACT amended.. by a mew government later or by The court because of its unconstitutionality ..


Champion Member
Apr 30, 2012
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maza said:
Thr govenment will pass it by its majority this month.. since the begining we knew that this would happen.. the only solution is to have the ACT amended.. by a mew government later or by The court because of its unconstitutionality ..
If it is "unconstitutional" how come the other countries still have it in their citizenship laws? They all have the freedom of movement right in their constitution.


Star Member
Jan 30, 2013
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maza said:
Thr govenment will pass it by its majority this month.. since the begining we knew that this would happen.. the only solution is to have the ACT amended.. by a mew government later or by The court because of its unconstitutionality ..
I absolutely second this. Sorry to repeat myself from the other thread, but I think to reach the voters, it's important to focus not only on the Bill C-24, but on Conservatives as a whole.

So, I think a complete message should be something like that: Cons have been in the office for ~10 years. During this time:
1. Veteran Affairs - total failure
2. Immigration - total failure (Bill C-24 is just a part of that, look at TFW for a gross example)
3. Bunch of notorious 'back to work' bills and continuous job cuts here and there
4. Un'Fair elections act'
5. Healthcare, Environment, Education, Quality of Life - either got worse, or stalled with no improvement. 6. Finance - they had a really smart guy, Jim Flaherty, RIP. After he passed away, there is no hope on them any more.
7. All professional have left Harper. He cannot even find a single good lawyer in his team.
8. Multiple corruption scandals.
Feel free to add more to the list.

Basically, the more there will be volunteers delivering the complete message, the better are our chances to throw Conservatives out of the office on the next elections.


Star Member
Jan 18, 2012
Job Offer........
Why people think the c-24 will be implemented July 1? The date (Royal ascend) for the bill to be law has not been chosen yet?


Star Member
Jun 1, 2014

I Think it will be implemented or activated immediately , as the aim of this law is to reduce the blockage by 2015/2016 . so no one will be able to submit his application in the very near soon , I hope that iam wrong and I wish everyday that iam wrong , but it seems that iam not .

My Story :

I got my PR Summer 2009 , 3 month after , my mother got very sick I left , came back early 2011 started counting from Mar 2011 , a year after my father got sick , I started to go and come but not more than weeks out of Canada each time , as he needs a care and sometimes blood donation as iam his only son because i have a brother who don't care
, a year after the doctor decided a liver Transplant surgery for my father , I left again .... and stayed with him nearly 3 months , came back after the surgery shocked with the new bill .

I will be able to apply for citizen Jan 2015 as the 1095 days will be completed .

I Have 3 Daughter's , 2 are Canadians born here , the third is not , the funniest thing is that my third daughter keeps asking me , dad why iam not Canadian like my sisters and my answer is as always , soon .... hopefully soon. with the new law I will keep saying soon for the next 3 years !!! instead of a few months . I think it's unfair to apply the rule on current PR'S or at least old PR's a year or 2 before .

My father is counting the days to see my daughters and I can't do him anything , I am stuck in between my father and my daughter .
the loser from all of that is me as my mined is not free, I keep thinking in the same issue day and night , I have a half Canadian family and the rest still , my wife and my eldest daughter .I came to Canada as an immigrant for better life , people , environment , education , future to me and my daughters , I came to Canada to clear my head from what we saw in our old country . I came to Canada because I love Canada and iam proud that iam living on a land of respect , land of humanity .... I can't guarantee that iam going to live for the next 2 years and no one could , so I could apply for me & my 3rd daughter ....

that's how the bill will affect me & my family if passed and implemented on current PR'S . but no matter what happen will always be proud of Canada and the choice that I took 6 years ago .

Hope someone could answer me it will affect current PR'S or no .


May 28, 2014
No one said it will definitely comes in effect July first. It's just a possibility. I hope this bill does not pass at least before summer break which most likely will. I'm wondering if they don't pass the bill to Royal Assent, do we have time until they come back from their break?