Quoting Chris Alexander:
"First, I will discuss the questions that have arisen in the media, in the House, and elsewhere about the bill. There have been a few lawyers and a few voices in the House questioning the need to require those applying for citizenship to declare their intent to reside. Subparagraph 3(1)(c)(i) of the bill asks that the applicant be required to intend, if granted, to continue to reside in Canada. Some have misunderstood this provision to mean that anyone applying for citizenship or seeking to meet the requirements of citizenship, which would be four years of residency out of six, must declare an intention to reside in Canada for the rest of their lives. Nothing could be further from the truth and those who have perpetrated this misunderstanding have simply not read the further paragraph, which is (2)(1.1), on page 12 of the bill as I have it printed. It states:
For the purposes of paragraphs (1)(c.1) and 11(1)(d.1), the person’s intention must be continuous from the date of his or her application until they have taken the oath of citizenship.""
THEY CANT REVOKE CITIZENSHIP BECAUSE OF THIS INTENT TO RESIDE CLAUSE .. They can only reject your Citizenship application on the basis that you do not intent to reside. (This is still problematic, if it will be jugded by CIC but if it is only declaration that you intent to reside it make sense .. why would they give you Citizenship if you don't want to reside", I mean if your plans changed after and you got a better Job in another country or had to leave for other reason it is a different story)