Thanks to all of you guys!
Finally I have some time to recall what happened to me last night. Here I write it down and give some thoughts. Hope it will be helpful for those who will be in the same situation and are also on the edge of receiving AOR when submitting BOWP applications.
I got my AOR last night at 9:30 pm Oct. 9, only 5 minutes after I just submitted my BOWP without AOR!!! Can you imagine how I felt at that time! it was so dramatic!!
As my current WP expires today, October 10, I decided to submit a new application for BOWP right away. So during the next two hours after receiving AOR I went through the online application all again but this time with the AOR and paid the fee again for me and my spouse. I receieved the confirmation letter for both applications right after I finished the submission for each time, i.e. 9:30 pm the first application was confirmed and at 11:30pm the second confirmed. According to the confirmation letter, there is no way to refund or withdraw your application, so once you submitted online, what's done is done.
Though in the letter it states that "Do not submit multiple applications for the same service in an effort to speed up your application. Doing this may result in both applications being processed and delay the finalization of your application. CIC does not refund processed applications." But I guess it is not my situation. I was not submitting duplicately because I want to speed up. It's because the first one was incomplete and there is a chance to get rejected. Hope it will be fine for the multiple apps though.. I paid $600 for two in total (me and my spouse).. hope the extra $300 is worth it!
Here I give some advice to those who are also concerning about the AOR and BOWP thing:
While waiting for AOR, WP is about to expire, when to submit the BOWP?
Theoretically you can wait until the day printed on your WP,
but I suggest to submit it a day before or at least 12 hours in advance AT THE LATEST. For my case, when I was doing the online survey to get the checklist, when i input the expiry day of my current WP, the system reminded that "you have to finish your submission today or you will have restore your status", even I submitted at 11:30pm (UTC-05:00, Eastern Time) October 9. The confirmation letter I received states that my application was successfully submitted at 3:30 am October 10, so you will see there is a 4 hours time difference between my local time and the online application system. So be careful, never submit by the midnight on your expiry day!
Actually I have no idea how my BOWP will be going, but I hope for the best and wait for the next 30-40 days.. I will keep you updated and any questions about this matter I am willing to help..
It's gonna be a long post...

Good luck everyone!