With the exception of yesterdays hiccup, I've just been embracing this experience as I would any other. I've come to terms with the fact that I will spend the majority of the next year or so(hopefully less!) waiting, and that's just how it has to be if I want to live with my wife. There is no point in calling CIC unless I notice a problem arising with my application because I know that at some point, they will get to me. There's also no point in whining about how the system is unfair and not sequential because it's the same deal with any system, and even with life.
My advice to you, linh14, is to try and forget about your application for a while, forget about the fact that some people have gotten AOR and remember that the average wait time is still 66 days, so don't expect to hear anything until then. If you do, then great! But sitting there expecting to be one of the lucky people who hear back early just isn't a good idea. Just stay positive.
What I've been doing is keeping an eye on June and July and watching them fill up, it helps show you that there is indeed progress and they are in fact getting closer to your application, no, it wont be in order but with every application they finish that's one less in the way of yours ;-) Good luck, and I hope that you get some rest.