Gary_87 said:
But ... what's the news? Keep us posted. Negative ratings or not, good to hear about the post landing experience to prepare the rest of us

. I had applied for a job in a grocery store as a regular employee in a department, and was asked if I was interested in becoming the department manager. The person hiring me sounded like she wanted me to start as that right away, but I haven't worked in that position for over a year (I have experience at a different store back in the US), so I said I'd need some time to refresh my memory on working there, but that I was interested. Luckily for me and trying to find a job, there are a lot of people leaving for other jobs from that store, so they really need the help.
Last year there weren't very many job openings in this small town at this time of year, so I was surprised that I've seen help wanted signs/papers around the town this year. Summer is usually the worst time to get a job here. Retail jobs are usually a safe bet for being able to find a job in most of the places I've lived, even the towns with less jobs, so I figured that there would be something within a few months at least, but I wasn't expecting it to go this smoothly.
Edit: Wow, another negative rating within the past few hours. I don't usually care about them, but this is excessive.