CDNPR2014 said:
i really would recommend not giving such short time frames and expectations. does ottawa process quicker than london, yes. can it be guaranteed it will only take "weeks" to process? absolutely not.
I don't understand what you mean by it's not good news for you? Were you personally affected by this tragedy in another way? my condolences if you were. Has some official word been released that the office has been closed and processing is at a standstill because of the incident? yes, for sure what has occurred is a tragedy and awful news, though i fail to see how this impacts immigration processing at the Canadian visa office in Paris. Am I missing something?
ok.. it's a weekend. being a redneck oriental.. i gonna explain in a way, which gonna drive lefties/white liberals crazy. why i predicted a slower process? background check gonna be even longer. my wife is a tunisian origin. the attacker was a tunisian-french citizen.
dont believe liberals all holding hands and singing kumbaya kinda of stuff. in the reality, all people in the immigration process have 3 different classes. the top of the food chain= UK, Americans, Common wealth all western nationals visa exempts, aka extremely short background check.
next tier is the one needs the visa like Asians, East Europeans.
then you have the bottom of the food chain, Africans, Middle Easterners, Muslim countries require biometrics, the list is on CIC website.
I know people gonna say.. how the heck you are so not PC. sorry. I am an Asian.. all I care about is the statistics and numbers. if you do a search and category people into those 3 groups. maybe you can see... i know people gonna think i am crazy.. sorry.. I am from a small town in the West.. people here tend not to be political correct and straight talk.. haha.
you know how most of Government Cheese reacts.. they tend not to have a proactive attitude like private businesses' any unexpected incident usually can be translated into slow process.
wanna hear something even funny? if my wife is not a Muslim or from Tunisia.. say she is an American; then she can visit me; while we are waiting...
she applied a visitor visa.. got reject.. the reason is "having a family tie in Canada." which is me.. I know it's funny and almost like a joke.
but that's just the way how a government sector functions.
the whole PR process just reinforces my belief about the big government and red tape and why private sectors created the real wealth of the society. not little government cheese in Gatineau/Ottawa.