By the way, VO Londoners, we have sent a well-worded e-mail to Minister Kenney pointing out the inconsistency of the processing at London VO both compared to other VO across the world and internally, when applications are not being dealt with in any kind of order, it seems and that was sent a couple of days ago so no reply as yet.
Also no reply to the case specific e-mail sent nearly two weeks ago.
We are as frustrated as anybody, especially as my husband must return to Canada on Sunday without me and then the separation and waiting begins all over again. We have been apart for 8 months now and I am sick to the heart every day of it.
When we began, the VO was confidently predicting 6 months for Cat 2 processing and yet here we are with no meds even yet and PER was in
January. Even that for us was after over 130 days, when now we see PER for some lucky people after as little as 40 days.
It is a shame for all of us who are waiting from before Christmas because there is no pattern to anything.
Now kolhapuri has received something, maybe we and wenstumped could have cause to be hopeful?
Bufalo could do with getting something moving as well. Canadajimmy - we are still rooting for you.
Keep your chin up, everyone.