Ok Guys...Finally some movement for the late Feb applicants

...I just received a document request from CIC
Another good news is they requested Employment reference letter because the one I sent with my application didi not have no. of hours worked. So after following this wonderful blog started by you wonderful people, I realized that my application can be rejected because work experience is missing total hours worked, so I emailed them another letter in the end of January and there was a mention of that letter received in my CAIPS notes. So, I am glad that they did not reject my application. I am just going to qoute the mail that I received.
" This is in reference to your application for permanent residence in Canada. In order for us to continue the processing of your application, we require the following documents:
Ø 4869572 - JVJ:
Ø > Employment Reference Letter: A letter of reference from the University of Calgary specifying the dates and hours worked as a Research Assistant. This must be received at this office by: 04/06/2013
Please note:
All documents must be accompanied by English or French translations. When original documents are requested, notarised documents are not acceptable.
The above information/documents must be received in our office within 30 days from the date of this letter. Please quote your complete application number on your correspondence and address your correspondence to the address indicated below.
Thank you for the interest you have shown in Canada."""
My quick question, besides making sure the new reference letter has no. of hours, are there any other features (like seals, stamps) I need to have on the letter. I mean of course, the rest of the text of the letter remains the same as the before. The letter that I initially sent was from my department manager. Do they prefer one from Graduate studies or my supervisor directly or should i still get it from the department as I did earlier. Tyrus I would really appreciate your input in this matter along with our other members.
Another thing that I find surprising is, they did not ask for PCC, I sent them one in late Jan because they were expiring sometime in Feb. In CAIPS, the status as of feb 28 was - not started. SO, by now they have expired. SO why did they not ask me for PCC at the same time..anyways, who knows how they work.