Check aidina's message above this one. If you send it AFTER they make their refusal decision, they will not accept anything and you have to reapply, losing your money and time.
If you send it BEFORE, they are obliged to consider these documents prior to final decisions. It is way easier to make your case now than after refusal. From what I understand, you can only appeal after refusal on basis of CIC making a mistake in fact or in law. So based on the facts they have now and how they interpret them, they may consider themselves not making a mistake in fact by refusing your application.
By withholding information from CIC that can help you (publications), you are making it harder for yourself to show, and easier for them to refute, that their refusal was a mistake in fact. Once they make a final decision, any appeal will be based on documents they received PRIOR to their decision. No subsequent documents will be accepted even if it includes winning the Nobel. You have nothing to lose by sending these documents now.
Again, the VO may have made a mistake which can be overturned by another officer. Documents you send NOW can help in a second reevaluation.