You know what my mom said, she said that there is a safara el 2ordonia in ottawa. Can he get it from there? I dont think he has to go back, My lawyer isnt answering her phone so I can ask her. urgh. But there was someone on this group with us who had the same problem and someone got it for her in jordan. She didnt have to go back and get it. I wish I can remember who it was and how she got it. And the only thing I have as proof for me, Is I am pregnant, I have all my appointments here, I have a mobile contract with fido that is done in September 2014, I am under insurance with my father because I use both cars that he owns, I renewed my visa until 2016, I have a bank account, as well as I opened a bank account for my husband and we bought a car, but it is under his name and pays insurance. We need this car because he supports me taking me to the hospital back and forth and I only go to the high risk hospital which is in downtown toronto. My work said they would give me my job back as soon as I am ready but I highly doubt my old manager will write me a letter stating that.
It is me Soso, my mother got one for me from Jordan while i am in Canada.send some documents like passport picture and 2 pictures for your husband to some one you trust can make this paper for you and can send it by mail to the mother sent it to the embassy but they sent me an email say that the document which they receive was not the good conduct but was the police certificate,but i am sure i my mother sent a good conduct and i saw from some friends that they got the same paper for the embassies all over the world and it is the same paper that my mom sent it to the embassy, so i thought maybe because the seal on the paper was not translated to english which says good conduct but in arabic "حسن السلوك" , so i sent them a translated copy from the same paper but they didnt reply yet!!