Hi Everybody

:-* I have some good news. My lawyer called me today saying I have been granted an ADR appeal hearing by the IAD. Hopefully soon I will get a hearing date. He also said I should get a letter in the mail very soon from the IAD with this news that he received today. Guguz you are right behind me, so you should hear something soon also. I hope this will help others waiting with their timelines. My hearing will be heard in Vancouver. On another note I was recently diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin's Follicular Lymphoma (Lymphatic cancer) but very slow growing and very easy to treat with sessions of chemo/immunotherapy. I was told I have to have treatment for 6 months and every month I had treatment for 2 days together blood work each time prior to treatment. My first treatment was on Monday October 28th for 8 hours slowing receiving treament of 2 drugs with IV one is the chemo Bendamustine and the other is Retuximab ( immunotherapy, antibody, protein). The second day yesterday I only received the immunotherapy and was there for 1 hour and 45 minutes. They left the IV in from teh day before and just closed it off so I would not have to get poked again thankfully. I feel a bit tired. I had a slight headache, stomach ache with about 5 times to the biffy with a slight bit of nausea like a flushing feeling but it only lasted about an hour the first day. The second day the same but very slight. so far so good. I have to have another blood test November 04th to check my white blood cells to see if they need boosting before my next treatments for November. Sometimes they halt your treatment if your blood is off, hence why they check your blood each time prior to yout treatments.I had to buy 2 anti nausea prescription pills at $121.00 One container of pills only has 6 pills but each one lasts for 24 hours. This one you take a half an hour prior to treatment. The other is to use every 6 hours only if you need it. I have not needed any of those so far yay

. Jeesh I had breast cancer twice and caught early enough both times. First time partial mastectomy and 35 radiation treatments and second time full mastectomy and no treatments. Nowadays I don't think they do partial mastectomies anymore? Not sure. I think they would just do mastecomies now and some In the movie Finding Nemo Dora the fish (Ellen Degeneres) would sing just keep swimming just keep swimming lol That's what I have to do. My Dad always said It is not how hard you fall It is how you get back up. So true Nighty Night everybody XOXO Praying for all of you waiting to successful appeals to visa's :-*