Dear all BD applicants,
I appreciate all your previous posts to reply my queries.
Please advice me again for the following issues.
Fee Payment for my spouse:
What is the easiest method
(certified cheque or bank draft or money order payable to the “Canadian Consulate General) to Pay the Processing fees for my
spouse? draft to the "receiver general for canada"
One of my relative is holding a Bank account with the HSBC in Dhaka. Can I use that account to pay the fees? Is there any doc (e.g. my passport photocopy) necessary to show in the bank?
u ll need phtcopy of pp & the proof that where u r sending money such as fee payment form(IMM 5620)
Filling in the Forms for my spouse:
When my spouse will be filling the Additional family information sheet, then who will be the “applicant” mentioned in the form?
ur spouse...Note, there is no "principal applicant" on the IMM 5406, just applicant. So if you have a spouse, and a dependent over 18 say. You complete one as the applicant, your spouse completes one as the applicant, and your dependent completes one as the applicant.
Does it necessary to fill another Additional family information sheet again in our native language (Bangla)?
yes, only names..
In Economic classes-federal skilled worker form, how will my spouse be filling the following items?
no need, this1 only for principal applicant..clearly written on the top of the form
• Language (section 6)- any language test is necessary for my spouse?
• Funds (section 10)- should she put the same amount what I wrote previously in my form?
• Work experience (section 11)- she is still a student though!!!!