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Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program (H1B Holders) CIC Process


Star Member
Sep 18, 2008
This is the link to a presentation from the Alberta goverment related to the AINP.
Maybe most of all you guy have already watched, but for those one who hasnt, its quite interesting.



Star Member
Sep 18, 2008
Flori said:
This is the link to a presentation from the Alberta goverment related to the AINP.
Maybe most of all you guy have already watched, but for those one who hasnt, its quite interesting.

Please post your opinions about the presentation.


Star Member
Sep 18, 2008
Flori said:
Flori said:
This is the link to a presentation from the Alberta goverment related to the AINP.
Maybe most of all you guy have already watched, but for those one who hasnt, its quite interesting.

Please post your opinions about the presentation.
Around minute 31 there's something to pay attention to.


Flori said:
Flori said:
Flori said:
This is the link to a presentation from the Alberta goverment related to the AINP.
Maybe most of all you guy have already watched, but for those one who hasnt, its quite interesting.

Please post your opinions about the presentation.
Around minute 31 there's something to pay attention to.
Hey Flori ( como estas?) how are you? did you send your aplication to CIC?


Star Member
Sep 18, 2008
cchabert said:
Flori said:
Flori said:
Flori said:
This is the link to a presentation from the Alberta goverment related to the AINP.
Maybe most of all you guy have already watched, but for those one who hasnt, its quite interesting.

Please post your opinions about the presentation.
Around minute 31 there's something to pay attention to.
Hey Flori ( como estas?) how are you? did you send your aplication to CIC?
Estoy bien, gracias.
No, I haven't received the nomination package yet.


Hero Member
Sep 2, 2008

If we do find a job, how does that work?
Does the employer still needs to go to the same process (see below), or since we have the nomination already, for us that would be different? Maybe what we need is just the job offer and we can apply to temporary permit on CIC...i am confused now....

For foreign workers seeking for jobs in Alberta

The first step is for you to obtain a job offer from an employer that
wishes to hire you as temporary foreign worker. The employer who
offers you employment must satisfy Service Canada that there are no
Canadian citizens or permanent residents available to fill the
position which you have been offered. If Service Canada is satisfied
that there are no Canadian citizens or permanent residents available
to fill the position, the position receives Service Canada's approval
and they will issue a positive labour market opinion (LMO) to the

After you have a job offer from an Alberta employer, the employer
should forward you a copy of the Service Canada LMO and the employment
contract and inform you to apply for a work permit from Citizenship
and Immigration Canada (CIC). In most situations, a temporary foreign
worker must apply for a work permit from outside of Canada.
Applications for work permits can be made at a visa office at a
Canadian embassy, high commission or consulate.


akk said:
Hi cchabert,

When did you apply for CIC?

Hi AKK I'm waiting in the mail my PCC from my country and from here the FBI after this I'll summit my application to CIC, how about you?

Hi AKK I'm waiting for my PCC from my country (my family got it already)


Hero Member
Sep 2, 2008
I applied it already, I know the average of getting AOR is 2 months, but I am anxious for news from people that applied in dec, or jan.
If I don't get laid off I think I will resign after getting my AOR, and I reaaaaally hope my company does not fire me before I receive the number...
By the way the idea about the virtual phone in Canada was really great, Mythdot, I think I will do that!!! Thanks


cchabert said:
akk said:
Hi cchabert,

When did you apply for CIC?

Hi AKK I'm waiting in the mail my PCC from my country and from here the FBI after this I'll summit my application to CIC, how about you?

Hi AKK I'm waiting for my PCC from my country (my family got it already)


Hero Member
Aug 23, 2008
akk said:
If I don't get laid off I think I will resign after getting my AOR
If you resign you will have to leave US right.Then are you planning to transfer the case to your home country consulate?


Hero Member
Sep 2, 2008
Yes. Have anybody here ever done that?


bendjoe said:
akk said:
If I don't get laid off I think I will resign after getting my AOR
If you resign you will have to leave US right.Then are you planning to transfer the case to your home country consulate?


Hero Member
Jun 19, 2008
Job Offer........
Hi akk
Once you are nominated you do not need a LMO from the company that wishes to hire you to process your work permit.... as stated in the nomination letter the only think you need is a job offer letter. Once you get it you contact Alberta AINP program and they'll issue a letter so you can get your work permit at the nearest CIC office... Also depending on your nationality you might need to process a temporarily visa along with your permit...

BTW I am not a lawyer nor an expert and this is just my personal opinion, so I would suggest to contact a lawyer to get more accurate information

akk said:

If we do find a job, how does that work?
Does the employer still needs to go to the same process (see below), or since we have the nomination already, for us that would be different? Maybe what we need is just the job offer and we can apply to temporary permit on CIC...i am confused now....

For foreign workers seeking for jobs in Alberta

The first step is for you to obtain a job offer from an employer that
wishes to hire you as temporary foreign worker. The employer who
offers you employment must satisfy Service Canada that there are no
Canadian citizens or permanent residents available to fill the
position which you have been offered. If Service Canada is satisfied
that there are no Canadian citizens or permanent residents available
to fill the position, the position receives Service Canada's approval
and they will issue a positive labour market opinion (LMO) to the

After you have a job offer from an Alberta employer, the employer
should forward you a copy of the Service Canada LMO and the employment
contract and inform you to apply for a work permit from Citizenship
and Immigration Canada (CIC). In most situations, a temporary foreign
worker must apply for a work permit from outside of Canada.
Applications for work permits can be made at a visa office at a
Canadian embassy, high commission or consulate.


Hero Member
Jun 19, 2008
Job Offer........
We seem to be all in sync with the questions.... I guess our status make us have a lot in common :))
OK here is what I know so far....
I wrote a letter to CIC-Buffalo asking if I would be able to transfer my PNP case to my home country and here is what they told me ".......Visa offices are not required to transfer applications upon the request of an applicant or their designated representative, but will transfer files only if that transfer would enhance program integrity....."

Since I was told I could filed from my home country and this wasn't the answer I was looking for, I wrote to Alberta. Here is their answer ".....So long as you inform the CIC Visa Office of where you are and how to contact you, then they can inform you of how your application will proceed.
The CIC Visa Office may choose to transfer your application from Buffalo to your home country; however, you should make your initial application to Buffalo as instructed by the AINP Office...."

So I ended up filing in Buffalo and the same time I am keeping a low profile in my company, so I pass unnoticed and delay the inevitable.... at least I am saved from the February layoffs and currently waiting for the AOR from CIC... it is just 25 days since I filed so still there is a loooooong wait :))

My conclusion from the letters is that once I let CIC know that my current address is not US but my home country they'll transfer my case to enhance program integrity as they stated... and it will take forever.... even it could get lost during the transfer so I am waiting/praying and exercising my patience until I get the AOR :))

BTW I am not a lawyer nor an expert and this is just my personal opinion, so I would suggest to contact a lawyer to get more accurate information


akk said:
Yes. Have anybody here ever done that?


bendjoe said:
akk said:
If I don't get laid off I think I will resign after getting my AOR
If you resign you will have to leave US right.Then are you planning to transfer the case to your home country consulate?


Hero Member
Sep 2, 2008
Hi Ingegarcia,

Thank you so much for your replies. It makes a lot of sense what you wrote.
I called the Alberta hot line about my doubt but they don't know anything about that (as usual).
Also the whole day I tried to call the contact they put on my PNP. but nobody answer the phone today :(
I wanted to ask them about transferring my PR to my country.

The situation is that I will be lay-off at the end of March (discovered that today). I applied for CIC last week, so probably I will not be receiving my AOR until end of March.
I wanted to know how important is getting the AOR here in USA. If it is vital for my application I would beg to my employer to keep me one month more or I could file for a tourist visa (that would give me 2 months more, April and May, I don't even know if that would not generate a problem to cic).

But I really wanted just to transfer the process to Brazil and get over with all this doubts.
I saw that the timeline there is even faster than Buffalo, but even if would take longer this is not a problem.
I am just afraid that my application gets lost after spending a lot of time and money with it.
It is so frustrating that we don't have a contact that help us either in Alberta or Bufalo.

Thanks for all your help,
Also, were do you live? If we are close we could maybe meet. I am in San Francisco.


ps: Thank you for the explanation about the job letter, you are right it is not like a regular process, for us would be easier (the difficult part is to find a job, hehehe).

ingegarcia said:
We seem to be all in sync with the questions.... I guess our status make us have a lot in common :))
OK here is what I know so far....


Hero Member
Jun 19, 2008
Job Offer........
I am sorry to hear that :(... this recession really sucks!! One of the members of my team was laid off 2 weeks ago and I am keeping a very low profile so nobody knows that I exist....

If I were in your position I would request a change of status of my H1B to tourist visa, 1 or 2 days before I am officially out of the company... USCIS takes a couple of months and you can stay in US until they reach a decision. This would give you enough time to get AOR and even to have your medicals done....

Once you get your AOR and file # the probabilities of loosing your case are lower and at this point you can continue your process from Brazil and everything would be OK....

Unfortunately I live on the East side of US.... in Nashua, NH.... not very close to San Francisco :)

BTW you might want to find another employer if possible...

PS. I'll keep you in my prayers...

PS: I am not a lawyer nor an expert and this is just my personal opinion, so I would suggest to contact a lawyer to get more accurate information

akk said:
Hi Ingegarcia,

Thank you so much for your replies. It makes a lot of sense what you wrote.
I called the Alberta hot line about my doubt but they don't know anything about that (as usual).
Also the whole day I tried to call the contact they put on my PNP. but nobody answer the phone today :(
I wanted to ask them about transferring my PR to my country.

The situation is that I will be lay-off at the end of March (discovered that today). I applied for CIC last week, so probably I will not be receiving my AOR until end of March.
I wanted to know how important is getting the AOR here in USA. If it is vital for my application I would beg to my employer to keep me one month more or I could file for a tourist visa (that would give me 2 months more, April and May, I don't even know if that would not generate a problem to cic).

But I really wanted just to transfer the process to Brazil and get over with all this doubts.
I saw that the timeline there is even faster than Buffalo, but even if would take longer this is not a problem.
I am just afraid that my application gets lost after spending a lot of time and money with it.
It is so frustrating that we don't have a contact that help us either in Alberta or Bufalo.

Thanks for all your help,
Also, were do you live? If we are close we could maybe meet. I am in San Francisco.


ps: Thank you for the explanation about the job letter, you are right it is not like a regular process, for us would be easier (the difficult part is to find a job, hehehe).

ingegarcia said:
We seem to be all in sync with the questions.... I guess our status make us have a lot in common :))
OK here is what I know so far....