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Afghanistan Spouse Sponsorship thru India


Hero Member
Jul 4, 2013
Calgary, Alberta
Visa Office......
Islamabad transferred to New Delhi on Jan 28, 2014
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Sep 24, 2013
AOR Received.
Sep 26, 2013
File Transfer...
Oct 10, 2013 to Islamabad - transferred to New Delhi on Jan 28, 2014
Med's Request
Re-medical Request September 17, 2014, Did Re-medical September 23, 2014
Med's Done....
First Med done - July 2013
No - Thank God
Passport Req..
Nov 4, 2014
ECAS - IP Oct 15, 2014
DM & PPR Nov 4, 2014. Sent PP on Nov 12, CIC Received it on Nov 13. Received Passport with Visa on Dec 3rd, 2014 - Landed on Dec 16th, 2014
cvimm said:
Salam Dear Nick _ AFG and all respected Members of this forum:

I have a news to share and I need some experience or expert advise regarding this matter, as you all will see the time line my wife application got transfer from CHC - ISB part of workload re - destribution to CHC - New Delhi in Mid Feb 2014, she is Afghan National as you may all know all cases or I should say most cases for Afghan National got transfer to New Delhi and for Pak National got transfer to London office and as of now CHC - New Delhi is responsible for PR application for AFG national, we got remed- repcc and supporting document package last year June 2013 all was done and send until now we have not heard from them, today she got an interview letter along with some requested document to bring along in interview date, I have submitted tons of supporting document package pretty much everything from Skype, viber, emails, photos, wedding receipt , western union slips you name it we were waiting for PPR quite frankly but now this, I ordered notes last month all was normal just waiting to be reviews by officer but now this, any how long story short she got an appointment for interview in New Delhi CHC next month. I am going to paste the letter info here, my request will be from members that held interview or any sort of help to share their experiences of advice that would great to help us out, I have arrange a time off from my work to go with her to the interview hope to get done with all this process soon. one again please dont hesitate to share your advice and input, experiences in this matter. thanks in advance for my all forum member and friends, please keep us on your pryers we need more than ever. I believe our case is the first so far since the files have been transferred to CHC - New Delhi at least it look like some one its working there to process the cases that may be stating of good trend after all CHC New Delhi is not a storage facility as CHC - ISB. Friends I need help please give me some advices, I am close to losing it. take care to all looking forward to hear from you Guys.



Here is the interview letter content :

Dear xxxxxxxxxxx:
An interview concerning your application for permanent residence in Canada has been scheduled for you on Interview New Delhi
UCI Applicant : xxxxxxxx Name xxxxxxxxxx. D.O.B
UCI Sponsor : Name :xxxxxxxxxx D.O.B

PLEASE NOTE THAT INTERVIEW DATE FORMAT IS YEAR/MONTH/DATE at the Canadian High Commission, 7/8 Shantipath, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi-110021. To allow sufficient time to pass through security, please appear at least 15 minutes but not more than 30 minutes before your scheduled interview time
Your sponsor must be available for a possible phone interview at the same time that your interview is being held in Delhi (your sponsor should verify the local time in his/her province of residence in Canada which corresponds to the Indian Standard Time which has been scheduled for your interview). If your sponsor is in India, he/she should accompany you to the interview. Please provide us with a residential phone number and address for your sponsor at the interview. Not all sponsors will be contacted as it may not be necessary.
Accompanying children over 18 years of age must appear with you at the interview. Children under 18 do not need to attend unless we have so requested. Applicants who are adopted (except infants) must also attend, along with their natural parents and "power of attorney". Adoptive parents are encouraged to attend but are not required to do so.
The Immigration Section of the Canadian High Commission in New Delhi provides interpretation services for Hindi and Punjabi only. Family class applicants who require an interpreter for another language must engage the services of a qualified professional interpreter from an approved list of interpretation companies. This approved list of interpretation companies is attached to this letter. Should the applicant come to interview without one of these interpreters, the interview will be rescheduled, leading to processing delays. Interpreters other than from the firms on the approved list will not be accepted.
Please note that the figures quoted by the interpretation companies are not negotiable. Further, the companies have no connection to the High Commission and cannot assist you in any way to improve your chances of obtaining a visa. Should you attempt to negotiate on either on these items, we have instructed the companies to refuse to take you as a client. Thirdly, the companies should be contacted during business hours only. Should you call at any other time, the companies will refuse to take your calls.
You must bring the following documents to the interview for each person included in your application: Immigration Section - Service de l'Immigration 7/8 Shantipath, Chanakyapuri PO Box 5209 New Delhi 110021 India www.india.gc.ca

• Original individual passports for each family member included in the application, regardless of age;

• You must also bring originals or certified true copies of the following documents for each person included in your application together with certified translations into English or French:
• Birth, death, marriage, divorce document(s) as applicable to your case, if not already submitted;
• Documentary evidence that establishes your relationship to your sponsor and each of your dependants' relationship to you (e.g., original birth certificates, school documents with parents' names, ration card);
• In the case of dependent students older than 19, all diplomas, mark sheets and other documents demonstrating continuous full-time studies since the age of 19;
• If sponsored by your husband, wife, common-law or conjugal partner, bring your engagement and wedding photographs and wedding invitation cards, if available. Also bring all evidence of communication with your sponsor, e.g. cards / letters, telephone bills. Telephone calling cards are not acceptable proof. For such cards you must provide the record issued by the telephone company of calls made with those cards;
• Power of attorney or guardianship documents for any person on the application who has been adopted as well as all evidence of contact from the adoptive parent(s), e.g., cards / letters, photographs, telephone bills.

If any of the above documents are not presented at interview you may provide them later, but your application may be delayed.
NOTE: If you are unable to keep the above appointment, you must inform us immediately. If you do not attend your interview and if we do not hear from you, your application may be refused for failure to comply with the requirements of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.
If corresponding with this office, please quote the above file number.
This letter should first be presented at the Immigration gate when you arrive for your interview and then to the receptionist inside.
This is a computer-generated letter which requires no signature.
Immigration Section
Great news thanks for sharing. I don't have any experience myself but I have been reading the New Delhi Thread. If I were you, I would make sure to read the full application again with your spouse and make you both remember every small details you put there like Dates & stuff. I would also ensure you practice with each other how you would answer below possible interview questions (I got this from the NDVO Thread as well). Be well prepared. Good Luck Insha-Allah this will be over soon.

1. When and where did you meet your spouse for the first time?

2. How did you meet your spouse?

3. How old is your spouse? What is your spouse's birth date?

4. What does your spouse do for a living?

5. Where did your spouse go to school'?

6. What degrees or formal training does your spouse have?

8. Where does your spouse work?

9. What is the name of the company? What position does your spouse hold? How long has your spouse worked


10. What does the job entail?

11. Does your spouse like her job?

12. What is the salary?

13. Where does your spouse live?

14. Whom does your spouse live with?

15. Where are you going to live when you go to Canada?

16. Please explain the type of relationship you have had since your first meeting.

17. What is your religion?

18. What is the religion of your spouse?

18. When you and your spouse were dating what would you do together?

19. Do you have any hobbies? Describe them.

20. Does your spouse have any hobbies? Describe them.

21. What type of music do you enjoy?

22. What type of music does your spouse enjoy?

23. What kind of movies do you enjoy?

24. What kind of movies does your spouse enjoy?

25. What kind of books do you read?

26. What kind of books does your spouse read?

27. Have you and your spouse ever exchanged gifts? Explain.

28. When and where did the marriage proposal take place?

29. Was your marriage arranged?

31. Did you have a ceremony celebrating your relationship?

32. Where was it held?

33. When was it held?

34. Describe the ceremony?

35. Did it conform to your own religious and cultural beliefs? Explain.

36. When did you get married?

37. Where did you get married?

38. Who was at the wedding?

39. What family members were there?

40. How many people were at the ceremony?

41. What day was the ceremony held on?

42. Who performed the ceremony?

43. Do you have pictures of the ceremony?

44. Who was at the ceremony from your side?

45. Who was at the ceremony from your spouse's side?

46. Were any friends present?

47. How many brothers and sisters does your spouse have?

48. Were your parents at the wedding? If not, why not?

49. Are your parents aware of the wedding? If not, why not?

50. Where your spouse's parents at the wedding? If not, why not?

51. Were your spouse's parents aware of the wedding? If not, why not?

52. Was a reception held? When and where was it held?

53. Who was present at the reception?

54. Did you receive any wedding gifts? Describe them.

55. Did you on a honeymoon? Where did you go and for how long?

56. Can you show me pictures and receipts from the honeymoon, wedding and reception?

57. Have you or your spouse been married before?

58. Why was that relationship dissolved?

59. Do you have any children from your current relationship or marriage?

60. How many children?

61. What are the names and birth dates?

62. Where are the children now?

63. Who looks after the children?

64. Do any other family members reside with you and your spouse? If yes, please indicate their names and relationship.

65. What relatives do you have in Canada?

66. What are their names and where do they live?

67. What relatives do you have outside of Canada?

68. Has your spouse met any of your relatives or friends? Who have they met and when did they meet them?

69. Have you met any of your spouse's relatives or friends? Whom have you met and when did you meet them?

70. In terms of education, would you say that you and your spouse's educational background are compatible?

71. What will you do when you go to Canada'?

72. Why did you marry your spouse?

73. Since your marriage have you seen your spouse? If not, why not?

74. Do your family members (parents, siblings) want to immigrate to Canada?

75. Did you marry your spouse so that you could sponsor your parents as landed immigrants of Canada?

76. How do you correspond with your spouse?

77. How often do you talk on the phone?

78. Do you have phone bills, e-mails, cards, etc., and can I see them?

79. Tell me why this marriage or relationship is genuine.

80. What makes your relationship with your spouse different from that of a female/male friend?

81. Does your spouse support you financially?

82. Do you support your spouse financially?

83. If I refuse this application what will you do?

84. Who was involved in arranging the marriage?

85.How is the middle man related or known to both families?

86.Did you talk with each other privately before agreeing to the marriage?

87.Why did you not get married earlier? (Especially asked of a woman in the Punjab marrying later than 26-28)

88.How many people attended your marriage (look at the photographs provided to the visa officer - is it in conformity with your answer? Very often there are limited number of people at the laavan ceremony)

89.When did your sponsor immigrate to Canada? (the visa officer is attempting to find out if the applicant has

knowledge of the sponsor)

90.What does your sponsor do for a living? (this is basic - every husband/wife should know this about their


91.What is your sponsor's phone number? (this is basic - every husband/wife should know this about their sponsor - however I have come across situations where the applicant does not know)

92.Do you have any relation with your sponsor other than marriage? (visa officer is attempting to ascertain

whether there was a relationship and therefore a motive to sponsor the applicant other than a genuine marital


93.Who accompanied your sponsor when he/she came to get married? (something the applicant should know if

they are in a genuine relationship) 94.Who proposed? When was the proposal made? When did you get married? (basic...)

95.When did you and your sponsor live together? (also elementary, and a question contained in the sponsorship


96.Did you and the sponsor attend any weddings or functions together? (It's almost a certainty that a newly

married couple will be attending other weddings, especially if their wedding was during the marriage season)

97.What is the name of your spouse's company? (applicant should know the employment of sponsor) 98.What kind of work does sponsor aspire to do in the future? Any career plans? (see above)

99.What was his/her previous job before present employment? Why did sponsor change jobs? How long at

current employment? (see above)

100.What does sponsor like about the job? What is his/her boss/supervisor's name?

101.What are the names of

the people he/she works with? What is the nature of the job? How much does he/she make?(see above)

102.What does sponsor like/dislike about [INSERT CANADIAN CITY]? (visa officer is attempting to get a spontaneous response)

103.Where do you and your sponsor plan to live in Canada?

104.What do you plan to do once you get to Canada (go to school, learn english, get a job)

105.What are your spouse's friends' names?

106.What does your sponsor do in his spare time? What does your sponsor do when he's not working?

107.What is spouse's favorite sport? 108.Did you go on a honeymoon or outing after your marriage?

109.Where did you go to/How long did you go for?

110.How long did your sponsor stay in India after the marriage?

111.How often, and how do you stay in contact with your spouse?

112.when did you start cohabitation with your wife?

113.when did you enter into a romantic relationship with your wife?

114.why are everyone wearing sweaters in your reception/wedding photos

With the date of may 28th on them?

115.I am going to pick some random pictures out of the 250 pictures describe who Is in the pictures and where they were taken.

116. I am going to call your spouse now on the phone and ask him/her the Same questions. Is there any answer you gave me that you wish to change Now before I make this call.

117. Tell something about yourself.

118. Where do you live?

119. Do you have your own house, or you live on rent?

121. Do your live in a joint family?

122. What's your current marital status?

123. Have you been previously married?

124. Have you ever been in dilemma with the law? Were you ever charged arrested for any kind of crime?

125. Do you have family in Canada?

126. How long you have been working at this company?

127. Name and Date of Birth of Spouse.

128. Describe this 1st meeting.

129. Did you make arrangements to meet again?

130. Did you exchange phone numbers?

131. When did you meet next?

132. Where were you living at the time? Where was your spouse living?

133. When did you decide to get married? Where were you at the time?

134. Did you live together before marriage?

135. Who were the witnesses to the ceremony?

136. Did you exchange wedding rings?

137. Where did you purchase these rings? Did you and your spouse purchase them together?

138. Describe the reception.

139. If you did not have a reception, what did you do after the wedding ceremony?

140. Where did you live after the wedding?

141. Describe the place where you lived right after the marriage. Number of bedrooms and bathrooms;

furnishings; color of walls, floor coverings, appliances, etc; type of air conditioning, heating, etc; # of telephones,

televisions, etc. Do you have cable television?

142. Describe your bedroom. Where do you keep your clothes? Where does your spouse keep his or her clothes?

Where are the bathroom towels kept? Where do you keep the dirty clothes?

143. Where is the garbage kept in the kitchen?

144. On what day of the week is the garbage picked up?

145. Where do you shop for groceries? Do you go together with your spouse? How do you get there?

146. Where do you work? What days of the week do you work?

147. What hours do you work? What is your salary?

148. What is your telephone number at work?

149. When was the last vacation you and your spouse took together?

150. Where does your spouse work? What days of the week? What hours? What is the salary, if you know?

151. Do you or your wife have any scars or tattoos? If so, where on the body?

152. Do you know your spouse's family members? If so, which ones? If your spouse has children from a previous

marriage, their names, ages, where they live, and where they go to school, if applicable.

153. Where do you live now? (If different from where you lived right after the marriage, then go over the same questions as above). How much is the rent? When is it paid? How do you pay it?

154. Do you have a bank account together? Where? What kind of account?.

155. Are both of you listed on the account? (Do you have a bank letter, cancelled checks, etc.?)

156. What kind of automobile do you and your spouse have? Describe them.

157. Do you have an insurance policy listing your spouse as the beneficiary? If so, do you have a copy?

158. Do you have any pets? What kind, what are their names, and describe them?

159. What did you do for Christmas, New Year's, your anniversary, or you or your spouse's last birthday? Did you

exchange gifts? If so, what kind of gift?

160. What is your spouse's favorite food? What is your favorite food?

161. Does your spouse drink coffee? If so, does he or she use cream and/or sugar?

162. Did you eat dinner together last night? Did anyone else have dinner with you? What did you have?

163. Did you watch TV after dinner last night? What shows did you watch?

164. At what time did you go to bed? Who went to bed first?

165. Did you have the air conditioning or heater on?

166. Who woke up first this morning? Did an alarm clock go off?

167. Did you or your spouse take a shower?

168. Did you come to the interview together? Who drove?

169. Did you have breakfast? Where and what did you eat?

170.what did you do for your spouse last b/day.

171.What did you give each other for your last birthdays?

172.Which of your financial matters are shared, or who supports the other financially?

173. What are your working hours?

174.How did you celebrate your most recent wedding anniversary?

175.Have you and your spouse gone to see a movie (or any other form of entertainment) lately? When and what did you see?

176.Do you jointly own any property? If yes, can I see the copies of the documents?

177.Do you have an insurance policy listing your spouse as the beneficiary? If yes, can I see copy of the same?

178. What did you do for Christmas, New Year, your anniversary? Did you exchange gifts? If so, what kind of gift?

179. How did you and your spouse get to the church, temple, gurudwara, courthouse etc?

180. What kind of cake or other food was served?

181.Did you serve the liquor? What kind?

182.Did anyone get drunk or otherwise embarrass themselves at the reception? Who? Describe.

183.How late did the guests stay at the wedding?

184.Did you exchange wedding rings? Did you and your spouse purchase them together or separately?

185.Was there music or other entertainment?

186.Who were the bridesmaids/groomsmen?

187.Did the bride change clothes for the reception?

188.What time did you and the [bride or groom] leave the reception?

189.Did you go on a honeymoon? When did you leave? How did you get there? Where did you go? For how long? What airlines?

190.Where did you live after the wedding?

191.Do you know your spouse's family members? Which ones?

192.Have you met each other's parents?

193.When did you see them last time? For how long? Where?

194.Do you buy gifts for your in-laws on important holidays? Do they buy gifts for you?

195.Which other members of your spouse's family do you see frequently? When was the last time you saw them? What did you do together?

196.How often do you see each other's parents?

197.How do each of you get along with your parents-in-law?

198.Could you please describe the place where you lived right after the marriage? No. of bedrooms and

bathrooms; furnishings; color of walls, floor coverings, appliances, etc; type of air conditioning (window or

central), heating (gas or electrical), etc; number of telephones, TV sets etc.

199.Do you live in a home (single family, condominium, townhouse) or apartment? How much is the mortgage or rent? Who pays it?

200.Who gets up first? At what time?

201.How many sinks, toilets, and showers are there in your house/apartment in total?

202.How many remote controls are there in your house?

203.How many cars do you have?

203.Do you have a garage? How many cars fit into it? Who parks in it? Do you use a garage door opener?

204.How many telephones are in your house? Where are they?

205.Do both of you have cell phones? Do you have a family plan on the phones?

206.Does your phone have an answering machine? Who checks the messages?

207.Do you have a VCR? What brand? Do you use it only to watch videos, or do you record any TV shows?

208.Do you have a DVD player? What brand?

209.Where do you rent movies from?

210.Does your spouse listen to the radio? What station?

211.Do you have cable TV or satellite dish?

212.Who is the cable/dish provider in your house?

213.Does your spouse listen to music? What kind of equipment does he/she have such as walkman, iPod etc?

214.How many TV sets are in your house? In which rooms?

215.Do you watch TV shows together, or separately?

216.Name one TV show that you always watch together.

217.Do you have a still camera? Is that a digital camera or the one with the roll?

218.Who uses the camera most often?

219.Who takes pictures at important family occasions or during sightseeing?

220.Do you have a camcorder? What brand is it?

221.What does your spouse drink in the morning? (Such as coffee, tea, milk etc.) If so, does he/she use cream and/or sugar?

222.What is your spouse's most (or least) favorite food?

223.Is there a particular food that you eat every week? What is it?

224.What are your favorite foods and who cooks what?

225.Do you have a barbecue grill? Do you use it? Is it gas or charcoal?

226.How many times a week on average do you eat out?

227.What is your special restaurant?

228.Where is the garbage kept in the kitchen?

229.What size is your bed (twin, queen, king)?

230.Do you have a regular mattress, futon, or waterbed?

231.Who sleeps on each side of the bed?

232.Do either of you read or watch television before going to sleep?

233.Do you have lamps next to your bed?

234.Have you ever had an argument that resulted in one of you sleeping in another room? Who, and which room?

235.What kind of birth control do you use? What brand do you use?

236.When was your wife's last menstrual period?

237.Do you leave any lights on when you go to sleep at night?

238.How many windows are there in your bedroom?

239.Where do you keep your toothbrushes?

240.Does your spouse use a regular toothbrush or an electrical one?

241.What kind of toothpaste, soap, and shampoo do each of you use?

242.Where do you keep your clothes? Where does your spouse keep his/her clothes?

243.What color are your spouse's pajamas?

244.What is your favorite position (missionary, doggy, cow girl etc)?

245.Where are the bathroom towels kept?

246.Where do you keep the dirty clothes?

247.Did you eat dinner together last night? What did you have?

248.Did anyone else have dinner with you last night?

249.Who cooked the dinner last night? What time was dinner served?

250.Did you watch TV after dinner? What shows did you watch?

251.Who went to bed first?

252.At what time did you go to bed?

253.Did you have the AC, fan or heater on?

254.Who woke up first this morning? Did an alarm clock go off?

255.Did you or your spouse take a shower this morning?

256.Did you have breakfast? Where and what did you eat?

257.Did you come to the interview together? Who drove?


Star Member
Feb 3, 2014
Visa Office......
New Delhi
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
24-09-2013 to ISB; 01-27-2014 to New Delhi
Med's Request
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
31-08-2014 Khudaya Shukor!
Its my choice now! :D
^ what the f*** so many questions..... i dint even bother reading it


Hero Member
Jul 4, 2013
Calgary, Alberta
Visa Office......
Islamabad transferred to New Delhi on Jan 28, 2014
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Sep 24, 2013
AOR Received.
Sep 26, 2013
File Transfer...
Oct 10, 2013 to Islamabad - transferred to New Delhi on Jan 28, 2014
Med's Request
Re-medical Request September 17, 2014, Did Re-medical September 23, 2014
Med's Done....
First Med done - July 2013
No - Thank God
Passport Req..
Nov 4, 2014
ECAS - IP Oct 15, 2014
DM & PPR Nov 4, 2014. Sent PP on Nov 12, CIC Received it on Nov 13. Received Passport with Visa on Dec 3rd, 2014 - Landed on Dec 16th, 2014
afghanboy said:
^ what the f*** so many questions..... i dint even bother reading it
Salam Afghanboy jan, no kidding but I am almost positive they won't ask them all. These are perhaps possible questions that they might ask lol.


Hero Member
Feb 29, 2012
Visa Office......
Ottawa-islamabad-New Delhi India
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
06-03-14 from Islamabad to new Delhi
Med's Request
Med's Done....
Redemical sent to NDVO on 27 July 14 E case changed to in process on 07-07-14
Passport Req..
April 16-2015 pp submitted 24/April 2015
29 April 2015
14 may 2015 alhamdulilah
cvimm said:
Salam Dear Nick _ AFG and all respected Members of this forum:

I have a news to share and I need some experience or expert advise regarding this matter, as you all will see the time line my wife application got transfer from CHC - ISB part of workload re - destribution to CHC - New Delhi in Mid Feb 2014, she is Afghan National as you may all know all cases or I should say most cases for Afghan National got transfer to New Delhi and for Pak National got transfer to London office and as of now CHC - New Delhi is responsible for PR application for AFG national, we got remed- repcc and supporting document package last year June 2013 all was done and send until now we have not heard from them, today she got an interview letter along with some requested document to bring along in interview date, I have submitted tons of supporting document package pretty much everything from Skype, viber, emails, photos, wedding receipt , western union slips you name it we were waiting for PPR quite frankly but now this, I ordered notes last month all was normal just waiting to be reviews by officer but now this, any how long story short she got an appointment for interview in New Delhi CHC next month. I am going to paste the letter info here, my request will be from members that held interview or any sort of help to share their experiences of advice that would great to help us out, I have arrange a time off from my work to go with her to the interview hope to get done with all this process soon. one again please dont hesitate to share your advice and input, experiences in this matter. thanks in advance for my all forum member and friends, please keep us on your pryers we need more than ever. I believe our case is the first so far since the files have been transferred to CHC - New Delhi at least it look like some one its working there to process the cases that may be stating of good trend after all CHC New Delhi is not a storage facility as CHC - ISB. Friends I need help please give me some advices, I am close to losing it. take care to all looking forward to hear from you Guys.



Here is the interview letter content :

Dear xxxxxxxxxxx:
An interview concerning your application for permanent residence in Canada has been scheduled for you on Interview New Delhi
UCI Applicant : xxxxxxxx Name xxxxxxxxxx. D.O.B
UCI Sponsor : Name :xxxxxxxxxx D.O.B

PLEASE NOTE THAT INTERVIEW DATE FORMAT IS YEAR/MONTH/DATE at the Canadian High Commission, 7/8 Shantipath, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi-110021. To allow sufficient time to pass through security, please appear at least 15 minutes but not more than 30 minutes before your scheduled interview time
Your sponsor must be available for a possible phone interview at the same time that your interview is being held in Delhi (your sponsor should verify the local time in his/her province of residence in Canada which corresponds to the Indian Standard Time which has been scheduled for your interview). If your sponsor is in India, he/she should accompany you to the interview. Please provide us with a residential phone number and address for your sponsor at the interview. Not all sponsors will be contacted as it may not be necessary.
Accompanying children over 18 years of age must appear with you at the interview. Children under 18 do not need to attend unless we have so requested. Applicants who are adopted (except infants) must also attend, along with their natural parents and "power of attorney". Adoptive parents are encouraged to attend but are not required to do so.
The Immigration Section of the Canadian High Commission in New Delhi provides interpretation services for Hindi and Punjabi only. Family class applicants who require an interpreter for another language must engage the services of a qualified professional interpreter from an approved list of interpretation companies. This approved list of interpretation companies is attached to this letter. Should the applicant come to interview without one of these interpreters, the interview will be rescheduled, leading to processing delays. Interpreters other than from the firms on the approved list will not be accepted.
Please note that the figures quoted by the interpretation companies are not negotiable. Further, the companies have no connection to the High Commission and cannot assist you in any way to improve your chances of obtaining a visa. Should you attempt to negotiate on either on these items, we have instructed the companies to refuse to take you as a client. Thirdly, the companies should be contacted during business hours only. Should you call at any other time, the companies will refuse to take your calls.
You must bring the following documents to the interview for each person included in your application: Immigration Section - Service de l'Immigration 7/8 Shantipath, Chanakyapuri PO Box 5209 New Delhi 110021 India www.india.gc.ca

• Original individual passports for each family member included in the application, regardless of age;

• You must also bring originals or certified true copies of the following documents for each person included in your application together with certified translations into English or French:
• Birth, death, marriage, divorce document(s) as applicable to your case, if not already submitted;
• Documentary evidence that establishes your relationship to your sponsor and each of your dependants' relationship to you (e.g., original birth certificates, school documents with parents' names, ration card);
• In the case of dependent students older than 19, all diplomas, mark sheets and other documents demonstrating continuous full-time studies since the age of 19;
• If sponsored by your husband, wife, common-law or conjugal partner, bring your engagement and wedding photographs and wedding invitation cards, if available. Also bring all evidence of communication with your sponsor, e.g. cards / letters, telephone bills. Telephone calling cards are not acceptable proof. For such cards you must provide the record issued by the telephone company of calls made with those cards;
• Power of attorney or guardianship documents for any person on the application who has been adopted as well as all evidence of contact from the adoptive parent(s), e.g., cards / letters, photographs, telephone bills.

If any of the above documents are not presented at interview you may provide them later, but your application may be delayed.
NOTE: If you are unable to keep the above appointment, you must inform us immediately. If you do not attend your interview and if we do not hear from you, your application may be refused for failure to comply with the requirements of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.
If corresponding with this office, please quote the above file number.
This letter should first be presented at the Immigration gate when you arrive for your interview and then to the receptionist inside.
This is a computer-generated letter which requires no signature.
Immigration Section
walicomasalaam my dear brother cvimm , and thank u a lot for sharing ever since I read ur post in the other forum I start researching about interview coz I follow indian form too and long time ago I read a post about interview and I was searching that to find it and post it for u but today when I visited the forum I saw yasameen jan posted exactly what I wanted to post for u , so plz bro be very careful and tell ur wife the same thing Allha is great ur wife ll inshallah pass the interview and I pray for you dear brother as u know ur my favorite memeber I follow all ur posts coz ur post is always helpfull with lots of useful tips and plz read yasameen Jan's recent post she posted all the question for interview and plz brother keep posting we all afghan forum memeber pray for u to to reunion with ur spouse ASAP thank you again for sharing . NICK AFG


Hero Member
Sep 4, 2013
Visa Office......
Islamabad -- New Delhi
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
September 2012
File Transfer...
November 2012 but according to GCMS; July 2013 [ISB] ; February 15th 2014 [New Delhi]
Med's Request
May 26 2014
Med's Done....
May 28 2014, ecas changed to IN PROCESS May 29 2014; Emedical sent to CIC June 8 2014; Ecas DECISION MADE June 21
Passport Req..
Alhamdullilah on July 29 2014; Islamabad received PP August 11
Alhamdullilah September 18, 2014!!!
Alhamdullilah September 27, 2014!!!
its been awfully quite here.
my husband says he wants me to move to Afghanistan in a few months and forget this shitty application case. im hoping something good happens in our case in the next few months. i really want him here with me. although i have no problem living there with him. it's just that we have been waiting so long. if we planned on living there, i would have never come back here and spent 2 years apart like this.
khudawand ba dadema beras!!

any new updates?
i think london applications are in a better state than new delhi.
bazam qesmat.
an applicant from the other thread has recieved ppr and its been 1 year exact.


Star Member
Feb 3, 2014
Visa Office......
New Delhi
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
24-09-2013 to ISB; 01-27-2014 to New Delhi
Med's Request
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
31-08-2014 Khudaya Shukor!
Its my choice now! :D
Hey guys a new update happened to my brothers spousal case, yesterday he also received an email from NDVO for an interview of his wife in New Delhi in June.... his file got transfered on February 15, 2014 to ND from Ottawa... im thinking ND are sending interview letters these days quite alot!!


Hero Member
Sep 4, 2013
Visa Office......
Islamabad -- New Delhi
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
September 2012
File Transfer...
November 2012 but according to GCMS; July 2013 [ISB] ; February 15th 2014 [New Delhi]
Med's Request
May 26 2014
Med's Done....
May 28 2014, ecas changed to IN PROCESS May 29 2014; Emedical sent to CIC June 8 2014; Ecas DECISION MADE June 21
Passport Req..
Alhamdullilah on July 29 2014; Islamabad received PP August 11
Alhamdullilah September 18, 2014!!!
Alhamdullilah September 27, 2014!!!
afghanboy said:
Hey guys a new update happened to my brothers spousal case, yesterday he also received an email from NDVO for an interview of his wife in New Delhi in June.... his file got transfered on February 15, 2014 to ND from Ottawa... im thinking ND are sending interview letters these days quite alot!!
when did he file his app?


Hero Member
Sep 4, 2013
Visa Office......
Islamabad -- New Delhi
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
September 2012
File Transfer...
November 2012 but according to GCMS; July 2013 [ISB] ; February 15th 2014 [New Delhi]
Med's Request
May 26 2014
Med's Done....
May 28 2014, ecas changed to IN PROCESS May 29 2014; Emedical sent to CIC June 8 2014; Ecas DECISION MADE June 21
Passport Req..
Alhamdullilah on July 29 2014; Islamabad received PP August 11
Alhamdullilah September 18, 2014!!!
Alhamdullilah September 27, 2014!!!
afghanboy said:
Hey guys a new update happened to my brothers spousal case, yesterday he also received an email from NDVO for an interview of his wife in New Delhi in June.... his file got transfered on February 15, 2014 to ND from Ottawa... im thinking ND are sending interview letters these days quite alot!!
sounds good, at least they have started SOMETHING.
inshallah they give the PR at the end of the interview.
my file transferred on feb 15 as well..


Star Member
Feb 3, 2014
Visa Office......
New Delhi
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
24-09-2013 to ISB; 01-27-2014 to New Delhi
Med's Request
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
31-08-2014 Khudaya Shukor!
Its my choice now! :D
Hope_123 said:
sounds good, at least they have started SOMETHING.
inshallah they give the PR at the end of the interview.
my file transferred on feb 15 as well..
yeah Inshallah! he filed his application in June 2013, got an AOR in July 2013 that his file sent to Ottawa instead of Islamabad! then his file was in Ottawa till Feb 2014 and then it got transferred to NDVO directly!
Now he got an interview in June 2014 in New Delhi and its a very tight situation cuz his wife is pregnant and its her time in June or July to deliver a baby INshallah! Khuda wand khaira pesh kuna!!


Hero Member
Sep 4, 2013
Visa Office......
Islamabad -- New Delhi
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
September 2012
File Transfer...
November 2012 but according to GCMS; July 2013 [ISB] ; February 15th 2014 [New Delhi]
Med's Request
May 26 2014
Med's Done....
May 28 2014, ecas changed to IN PROCESS May 29 2014; Emedical sent to CIC June 8 2014; Ecas DECISION MADE June 21
Passport Req..
Alhamdullilah on July 29 2014; Islamabad received PP August 11
Alhamdullilah September 18, 2014!!!
Alhamdullilah September 27, 2014!!!
afghanboy said:
yeah Inshallah! he filed his application in June 2013, got an AOR in July 2013 that his file sent to Ottawa instead of Islamabad! then his file was in Ottawa till Feb 2014 and then it got transferred to NDVO directly!
Now he got an interview in June 2014 in New Delhi and its a very tight situation cuz his wife is pregnant and its her time in June or July to deliver a baby INshallah! Khuda wand khaira pesh kuna!!
they should let them know so that she gets an interview earlier.


Star Member
Jan 17, 2014
Canada, Vancouver
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
Med's Request
2nd Medical Done January 2015 - Waiting For Passport Request
Med's Done....
I Hope The Process Get Finnish Before Any 3rd Medical Request !!!
Passport Req..
After a long time , Salam Everyone, My family case is still as before,
but i have learned one thing that to not marry son or daughter in Afghanistan, because once they got married then they'll face with these seniors currently running with all Afghans passing them to several Visa & Immigration Offices like : Islamabad, New Delhi, London & Ottawa & Even some are already Disqualified & agree to return back to Kabul to their husband/wife & stay with them until the case get finalized ( negative or positive result ).
so i call marriage a mistake after this until this process isn't reformed.
I will wish reunification to all those who have been apart from their loved once so far.
With respect.


Hero Member
Sep 4, 2013
Visa Office......
Islamabad -- New Delhi
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
September 2012
File Transfer...
November 2012 but according to GCMS; July 2013 [ISB] ; February 15th 2014 [New Delhi]
Med's Request
May 26 2014
Med's Done....
May 28 2014, ecas changed to IN PROCESS May 29 2014; Emedical sent to CIC June 8 2014; Ecas DECISION MADE June 21
Passport Req..
Alhamdullilah on July 29 2014; Islamabad received PP August 11
Alhamdullilah September 18, 2014!!!
Alhamdullilah September 27, 2014!!!
Wajea said:
After a long time , Salam Everyone, My family case is still as before,
but i have learned one thing that to not marry son or daughter in Afghanistan, because once they got married then they'll face with these seniors currently running with all Afghans passing them to several Visa & Immigration Offices like : Islamabad, New Delhi, London & Ottawa & Even some are already Disqualified & agree to return back to Kabul to their husband/wife & stay with them until the case get finalized ( negative or positive result ).
so i call marriage a mistake after this until this process isn't reformed.
I will wish reunification to all those who have been apart from their loved once so far.
With respect.
yes the process sucks, but i wouldn't discourage anyone from marrying long distance. it has its negatives for sure. but there are a lot of good things. once again it is all in God's hands. there are cases processed within 1 year. Inshallah, whatever God wants. qismet ke kera arosi mekoni. i believe that.


Hero Member
Feb 29, 2012
Visa Office......
Ottawa-islamabad-New Delhi India
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
06-03-14 from Islamabad to new Delhi
Med's Request
Med's Done....
Redemical sent to NDVO on 27 July 14 E case changed to in process on 07-07-14
Passport Req..
April 16-2015 pp submitted 24/April 2015
29 April 2015
14 may 2015 alhamdulilah
Hope_123 said:
sounds good, at least they have started SOMETHING.
inshallah they give the PR at the end of the interview.
my file transferred on feb 15 as well..
salaam hope-123 and all forum memebers , to be honest I am thinking to go to kabul And live with my wife it's more then enough but for sure I ll take my decision about it, and i have somthing to share with u guys, last friday I meet Ontario 's premier at the masjid in our city , she came to visit the muslim community after juma pray she was there for 10 mins only but while she was living with her guards I made way in the crowd lol and stopped her I enterduced my self to her and ask her to help me with my spousal sponsorship I explained to her my situation she said i am so sorry and then she ask her assistance to give me her card then she said call my assistance she ll help u , today when I called she said email me ur file No date of birth and adress then I ll see what can I do for u and I ll call in 2 days , I hope she can do something but I don't know can she do something or not ? Tawakal ba kodawand honestly my afghan brother and sister I am so sad and depressed why us??? we suppose to live our marrige life with happiness but we are apart from our love ones i miss my love soooooo much Allah help us .


Hero Member
Apr 28, 2014
Visa Office......
New Dehli
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
03-23-2014 from Islamabad to New Dehli
Med's Request
Remed done 09/04/2014
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
Inshallah soon
Inshallah soon
Inshallah soon
salam all love reading all you guys is comments and info im new to the forum and i really dont know how to add my timeline could some one plz kinly tell me :)


Hero Member
Feb 29, 2012
Visa Office......
Ottawa-islamabad-New Delhi India
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
06-03-14 from Islamabad to new Delhi
Med's Request
Med's Done....
Redemical sent to NDVO on 27 July 14 E case changed to in process on 07-07-14
Passport Req..
April 16-2015 pp submitted 24/April 2015
29 April 2015
14 may 2015 alhamdulilah
sadafN said:
salam all love reading all you guys is comments and info im new to the forum and i really dont know how to add my timeline could some one plz kinly tell me :)
salaam sadaf jan and welcome to the family we all are here to help each other and I am happy to help u as much as I can , for the timeline thing after 9-10 posts u ll be able to creat ur timeline anything ask dear sister wish you all the best. NICK_AFG