Yah I dont get it either iarblue. I dont know what to think, CIC says it was accepted by Delhi and the MPs office said they found out that its not there yet. How can there be such a difference? To be accepted I would think someone would have to sign something to prove it was accepted. I am thinking I will call CIC and see if there is something different. I just wished there were straight answers but there doesnt seem to be any. Likely my file is there collecting dust and the IO is eating doughnuts and useing my file as a coast for her coffee mug. I call CIC call centre and they said it will take a couple of weeks for them to open the file. I talk to the MPs office they say ok call back in two weeks and we will see where things are at. THis is NUTS!!!!AAAAAGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!.. sigh, deep breath... Im ok