Writing is the hardest skill to improve, we just have to practice real hard. It's the best and only way.
To me, the Listening part requires you to get no more than 5 questions wrong (at least 35/40) is somehow a problem for me. I've lived in the US for 7 years and the English accent is something that I am not aware of problem.
My last results: L7.5, R8.5, S7.5, W7.
That's it, I think I got 1 question short of requirement to get 8 in Listening. I failed. And you know we can only reevaluate the S and W tests. There is nothing you can do about the other 2 tests.
So I practice listening tests everyday for 1 month now, read all tips, tricks and strategies for Listening. As yet, I still need lucks to get perfect scores (8777).
I don't know what everyone else is thinking, but when I saw all rounds of invitation, I think September is going to be a month for attention. This feeling brought me a rush in mind.
Overall, whether it is IELTS or EE, we need a calm mind. That's how we can get the scores we need.

, anyway, you spelled frustration wrong, that's a simplest way to fail a writing test. It is good though, we don't need that word.