Hello Jlizardo
SA = that is CIC telling your husband that he is approved to be a sponsor - Stage 1 is approved!
AOR2 = Is when Manilla Office sents you an email or letter confirming they have received your application. Some offices don't send that though but people call and find other ways to confirm it has been received.
Yes, you can still check you status through ECAS, however, now you use your information (since you are the applicant) when you log in. I find that for my case...I use the CIC File Number and my hubby's details (last name, date of birth, place of birth) to see the permanent residence portion of the application. I'm the sponsor.
Let me know if I was confusing

...I'm so sleepy right now hahahah
Very helpful! Thank you

If I have other questions I will try to message you again if thats okay. Is your husband here in Phils too?