it possible to submit 2 category for pnp and qsw
it possible to submitt for 2 category
change the category it possible to submitt for 2 category
Changing immigration category
It sometimes happens that an applicant who has applied in another category, but whose application is not yet in process, is nominated by a province. R10 requires that every application be made within one of the classes prescribed by the Regulations and there is no mechanism under the legislation by which the immigration category can be changed once an application has been submitted. In all cases, an applicant who wishes to be assessed in the provincial nominee class must submit an application in that class, along with the appropriate fee.
Therefore, an applicant who has applied in another category and who is subsequently nominated by a province, must submit a new application as a provincial nominee.
If the initial application has not been paperscreened, the processing fee can be credited toward the new provincial nominee application instead of being refunded (as per operational instructions published in RIM 06-026).
If the initial application has been paperscreened, no refund is possible.
If the applicant does not wish to withdraw the initial application, processing on both applications may continue but only one permanent resident visa can be issued to an applicant. Before the processing of an application can be finalised, any other permanent residence applications in process submitted by the same applicant must be withdrawn