Hi, I think they do make calls to your employer. For eg in my case one day the receptionist got a call saying that they are calling from US and would like to speak about some marketing products to me

because I had registered for that. Later on that call was forward to my department but the lady who is the personal assistant of my boss took the message bcoz i was not at my desk but in few minutes I arrived to the office and the call was transfered to me. The moment the lady asked me by my name I said yes I am the person the call got disconnected ;D. Later on when I enquired at the receptionist I was told that the call was from US regarding some products but I never registered for products in US. So keep it in mind the calls can come in any form

. My friend had the same experience and after two weeks he got the medicals

. 8). So be aware of any such calls and do not take them lightly they can be from CIC :-X bye