priyavig said:
Do you really think that I would joke about something like this????
Don't you think it's heartbreaking to receive an email like this??
This was the second time I sent in my application as well . Last yr on 28th and this year on 8th. And the minute I got a response to my mail I thought of updating you guys here.
I don't know how to explain how others who's applications reached later cc/bd were charged ...Im just informing you what the CIC replied to my query
I think we still doubt jason123's claim. Jason, if you really r thr, please explain. I too have sent an email to CIC. Now waiting for my mail too, and the end of wait. Sad

......Hey Priya, Can you please PM me which consultant did you go for. Just want to see if it is the same as mine. I am goin to get to my agency now as they r responsible for the delay. My app was way complete by mid June, but the agency sent it much later. 2 yrs wait...another year will be too much...sigh