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  1. M

    COPR from London

    Oh... Fingers crossed for you. I'm another one of those people hoping they just forgot to update ECAS and my COPR will magically turn up one day. I'm less optimistic than Taffy but wishing you luck!
  2. M

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    I know I'm grumpy due to lack of progress.... but I do think 8 months is overly optimistic for London at this point. Currently it's running a lot slower. If they were on track for that we'd be finishing August applicants right now but there are a lot of older ones still waiting. The...
  3. M

    GCMS notes rant.

    From what I can tell the due date is set by default to 1 year after SA, so I wouldn't read too much into it (based on my notes and a few other posts I've seen).
  4. M

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    Maybe we should start a petition to get Andrew working on ECAS... ;) I also love the spreadsheet and find it very useful and I'm grateful for all the work that goes in. Sadly at this point it's mostly making me jealous, but I still like to check in daily so see that things are ticking along...
  5. M


    I think it encodes some of the information in the form, so when CIC receive it they just have to scan the barcode and not type things in manually. I don't know exactly which details are included/excluded though.
  6. M

    GCMS notes rant.

    That's not actually true... Mine is 'application received' but I know that they've passed me on medical grounds (now expired), assessed our relationship as genuine and recommended we pass, applied and received RCMP record, etc. All this back in August last year. My application was...
  7. M

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    Wohooo!!!! Happy for you :) I'll be interested to see what happens with your medical, as mine expired yesterday and still no signs of life. I'm hoping they do extend, because the thought of our applications being delayed another x weeks getting an appointment and matching the results is just...
  8. M

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    Crazy indeed and very frustrating. My case should be about as straightforward as they come. Meds expire on the 17th according to my GCMS notes so lets see if that spurs any action... although the 'Due Date' is 30th April so I'm resigning myself to that and not getting hopes up. Anything...
  9. M

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    Good to know and seems to be inline with the spreadsheet (although a couple of lucky people have jumped the queue!). If only they would publish that info.... Now if they could just pick up mine please.... as it's been in London since the 1st week of May.... ::)
  10. M

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    I'm in a similar position. At 11th months, no issues with paperwork to cause delays, meds expire in a couple of weeks. Nothing moved on my application since August. I still have a year to run on my work permit so no reason to panic, but the wait is driving me crazy especially with so much...
  11. M

    How can I add my VISA process status to my profile

    I think you need to post 10 times then it will become available for you to add to profile.
  12. M

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    Here is the link... http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/resources/manuals/bulletins/2012/ob480.asp#sec02.3 On second reading I can see how it can be interpreted both ways. Am I this? Condition applies if: Couple dated for four years, but is married for two years or less; or Or this? Condition...
  13. M

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    I'll let the forum know... Since we were talking about GCMS notes, mine say "Conditions apply British citizen Marriage too place in Quebec in Jun 12...". I'm assuming that 'conditons apply' means condition 51 here. However, in the Eligibility Assessment summary at the top the conditional...
  14. M

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    To that point... all it needs is a little bit more detail in ECAS (like an audit trail of communications) or even better a secure messaging function similar to most online banking sites. That would be a big improvement! It would probably even be 'self-funding' with the corresponding reduction...
  15. M

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    I ordered mine after about 6 months. It was good because it's nice to know that my application has been safely received in London and is actually being looked at, but I don't think think it does anything for the processing time. If anything it prompts somebody to go on an update GCMS (some my...
  16. M

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    Interesting. I'm in a similar situation... together 4 years married for just under 2 at the time we submitted application. I've been curious to know whether I'll get the condition. On balance I'm expecting it, but holding hope they make a 'mistake' and forget to include me as sometimes...
  17. M

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    Congrats to the lucky people... but I'm so jealous!
  18. M

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    Just to add... for those of you interested in rejection rates CIC publishes this alongside the processing times quarterly. This is the detail behind the '11 months for 80%' number that gets quoted. http://open.canada.ca/data/en/dataset/427337d0-7c36-4fed-8428-c6a63f8c19b3 Of course, this...
  19. M


    Hi all - I was just checking in and noticed a typo in the spreadsheet. My application was sent on 3/22/2014 not... 3/22/2103! No updates from me... hit the 6 month mark and still waiting at 'Application Received'. London seems to be on a bit of a slowdown so probably another 2-3 months wait.
  20. M

    delays in getting ATIP(gcms) case notes - plzz share delays

    FYI - Just received mine, on time if I let them off the weekend. Here is my timeline: Notes requested: Sat 9th August Notes generated: Mon 12th August Notes received: Wed 10th September