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    Processing times

    Budget time for at least 14 months. The 67 days is how long it takes to get the actual card, once your application is approved, you've received confirmation of permananet residence (CoPR) and you have already landed.
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    think about this, after you become PR

    I've been reading the "permanent residency obligation" forum for a while and it's full of people just trying to do stay in canada for the minimum time to maintain their PR status. or, full of people who just neglected to maintain this status and are now trying to appeal on humanitarian and...
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    Globe and Mail: CIC making PR obligations much much stricter!!!!

    This is tough!!! :o :o "Under growing pressure from not only the general public, but also members of his own party, Jason Kenny, Minister of Immigration, Citizenship and Multiculturalism, has resolved to further tighten existing immigration controls, especially the permanent resident program...
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    jes_ON is an excellent member of this forum

    yeah, but man, you are really helpful. you are accumulating a buckethload of karma. that's the good side. the bad side is that people are becoming too entitled for quick answers instead of doing some of the research themselves. so, i think you should take a break :) this will force people to...
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    whose signature shows on Canada Post when we send passport to CIC

    you are really worried, aren't you! just relax. mine shoes simon yohannes
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    cancel landing plans due to error on CPR?? how long to wait?

    yeah, i can't even cancel now. i suppose if the corrected CPR doesn't come in a few weeks, I'll just take a nice trip. .. what sucks is that there were no real clear instructions on what to enclose with the returned CPR, or even to send it back. all it said was send it back if there was...
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    cancel landing plans due to error on CPR?? how long to wait?

    My CPR had an error. Not realizing it was a minor error and I could have corrected it at the border, I sent it back. I'd already made plans to land (booking train tickets, hotel) but I'm wondering if I should cancel them if it's going to take too long to get the correct one back. has anyone had...
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    Errors in the Confirmation of Permanent Residence (CPR)

    hey, did you get this fixed? I had the same issue. I sent it back about 10 days ago and have not received a corrected version. Any updates?
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    Salary effects to PR decisions? Please share

    She will have to share your name at some point. You can't have a unnamed application. She can share it on the application now, or if your LMO is approved, she will have to share it then. You don't have a higher chance of getting an LMO if your name is not on it. Remember, even if you get an LMO...
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    error on CPR

    anyone had an error on their CPR and had it corrected recently? how long has it taken? After my PPR, i got my CPR within 10 days. it was surprisingly fast. but, found an error and had to sen it back...
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    Funds Required while Landing for the first time as PR under CEC

    This is a CEC forum, which means you already have Canadian experience,and if you were offered a PR, an arranged employment is not relevant. I don't know the funds requirement for other classes.
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    How long does it take for a student to immigrate under Canadian Experience Class

    These are very basic questions. You should begin by visiting the cic website. Then, if you're confused about something, you can ask here. Don't ask people to do your homework for you.
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    Funds Required while Landing for the first time as PR under CEC

    dont' understand why people just pull figures out of their ass, without any reference to any CIC webpage. there is no funds requirement to land under CEC. if you have a job at the time of landing, get a letter from your employer. if you don't, print out bank statements showing whatever you have...
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    On-line Service Not able to identify my application

    You don't need to worry at all. This happened to me a few times during my application process over the last year or so. Keep checking each day. When it happened to me, I emailed them and they said they were aware of the problem and it is a periodic issue, meaning it is expected to happen from...
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    CIC Strike

    i submitted my passport for visa stamping less than 2 weeks ago. got it back today with everything. so not sure how the strike is actually impacting us. perhaps it is impacting applicants differently at different stages.
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    does salary matter?

    Salary does not matter. Yes, you can apply with your lower wage. The absolute worst a lower than average salary will do is prompt the visa officer to analyze your file more closely. Maybe he'll do a web search for your company to see if it's legitimate. Maybe he will call your employer to verify...
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    Medical Notification Waiting time

    this was always unpredictable. and these days, it is even more unpredictable. i applied in March 2012, got aor May 31st, then medicals on September 5th. So, it seemed as expected. However, there were people who applied at the same time as me and hadn't even received their AORs by September...
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    RPRF & Biodata requested but no medicals yet

    i'm a march 2012 applicant and i got meds (back in september), bio data, and rprf (last week) but no PPR. .... sigh...i guess there's no consistency at all.
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    Does salary matters ?

    for the most part, immigration consultants are...dangerous and misleading. they make you feel worse or better about your application based on not fact, but their 'experience' and 'feeling'. salary does not matter directly. the worse that will happen if your salary is lower than expected is that...
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    confusing email from CIC

    yeah, it's just a plain looking table which asks for my application umber, my name, and height and eye color. i took a screen shot, put it in word, then PDFd it and sent it as an attachment to OPP email address as provided in the email. i'm assuming my application is almost approved as they...