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  1. moochops

    Thread for outland Buffalo applicants!

    fantastic news GOGOGO super happy for you. I have no news yet but hoping this week will be a good one (seeing as Tuesday was our 2nd year wedding anniversary and all - it would be a great belated gift nudge nudge Buffalo if you are listening :) )
  2. moochops

    Acceptable or NOT for wife's sponsorship

    I agree, I don'y think it's likely that they will have your option C for the 2011 tax year prepared yet.
  3. moochops

    Thread for outland Buffalo applicants!

    hahahahahahah amaranth - so appropriate ;D
  4. moochops

    Thread for outland Buffalo applicants!

    Thats the best news I'll have all week - many congrats Calgary Bound ;D
  5. moochops

    Thread for outland Buffalo applicants!

    I sincerely hope so :( I didn't get just how worked i'd get still waiting at this stage. Even though I KNOW i'm still within normal processing times. One thing that has kept me going though is thanking my luky stars i'm not a pre 2008 pr applicant. My heart goes out to them.
  6. moochops

    Thread for outland Buffalo applicants!

    Hi Pmary. Congrats to you (and to all the others with good news recently). As has been stated, you have to drive over the border, turn around and come back IN to Canada. Most who don't need a visa to enter the USA will stay a couple of days, do some shopping etc and then come back. The...
  7. moochops

    Canada Refugee System

    In what way does he want to improve his situation - do you ean by getting a better job using hs degree? If so I wouldn't think that prospective employers would want to take a look at his birth certificate. even if his birth certificate states he was born somewhere he wasn't - what is to say...
  8. moochops

    I Need Help for Saving all my Family

    I don't think you would be able to get visas for your whole family. You could apply yourself under a skilled worker programme (if you have a skilled profession). But that would only allow you to bring your wife / children with you. Parents can come in under a super visa as long as you are here...
  9. moochops

    Does student visa rejection has any impact on spousal PR?

    have your circumstances changed at all since the last refusal of the student visa? IE what reasons did they give for refusing the visa and do you have more proof to overcome the reasons for that rejection now? If not, I know its heartwrenching being apart from someone you love, my peronal...
  10. moochops

    Thread for outland Buffalo applicants!

    if you are married - tick married, if you are not married but living together, tick common law.
  11. moochops

    Self employment in BC

    Can she not apply under the Canadian Experience class?
  12. moochops

    what would be best visa for us ????

    The company needs to apply for an LMO (authoruty to hire a foreign worker). Look on the HRSDC website and there are instructions for companies on how to hire foreign workers.
  13. moochops

    Thread for outland Buffalo applicants!

    Even though I legitimately want ppr more than life itself - I would gladly give up my space in the line up for Calgary bound - thats too long a time to wait - and so long after the fees were sent too. Thats not right . Sending all my good thoughts and fluffy bunnies to you x
  14. moochops

    Thread for outland Buffalo applicants!

    Mine was the less is more approach, and has been 10 months since sending so far, went into process Jan 6th, had request for further police checks, sent them and am now (im)patiently waiting for ppr or death, whichever comes first.
  15. moochops

    Thread for outland Buffalo applicants!

    My medicals were done at the back end of 2010 :o so when they asked me for updated police certificates in January I would have presumed if they needed updated medicals that they would have asked for them then???? So my honest answer is I don't know but I hope they have. It doesn't even show as...
  16. moochops

    Thread for outland Buffalo applicants!

    i'll be number 3 then :P Can I just say I'm getting sick of checking my email - the letters on the keyboard of my login details are all but worn off, and I don't know how many more times I can do the "ooooooh lets open hotmail and see" excitement, followed by the "hmmmmph, nothing important...
  17. moochops

    Thread for outland Buffalo applicants!

    Yes to reiterate the above, many congrats to those eho have their ppr! I emailed Buffalo a couple of days ago asking them if they need anything else (you can read into that "I emailed Buffalo just to keep some contact and hope that ppr might arrive sometime soon ;)) and my heart skipped a beat...
  18. moochops

    Thread for outland Buffalo applicants!

    You have my sympathies, I was looking through the spreadsheet last night as have started getting antsy now - then I looked at yours and told myself to suck it up. I wish I could kick them up the arse and get them to put you out of your misery x
  19. moochops

    need my daughter do the medical exam with me now? she is over 22.

    If your daughter is still classed as a dependant then she needs to do the exam for her to be able to emmigrate.