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  1. moochops

    Question regarding 6 month limit for canada/us stay

    It absolutely is possible, however it is also at the discretion of the border services officer as to whether he lets you back in or not so it's a swings and roundabouts issue. If it isn't imperetive that you go to the states, then you could apply for a visa extension (you can do this online)...
  2. moochops

    Thread for outland Buffalo applicants!

    Thanks for that and congrats. It concerns me somewhat because they had my email address incorrect (they had included it in my contact info when sending me my request via snail mail for updated police checks). I emailed them and asked that they kindly ammend it - but obviously i'm as likely to...
  3. moochops

    Thread for outland Buffalo applicants!

    I was just wondering what the percentage of ppr's are by email or 'real' letter. I know those that have recieved ppr are less likely to come and visit seeing as their process is over but for those that have got their ppr's I'd be interested to see. Please and thank you. (although I do realise...
  4. moochops

    urgent help

    What is your status at the moment? What method of spousal spnsorship did you apply for inland or outland? Can you explain a little more about the refusal of your spousal sponsorship, I don't quite understand the phrase "this type of visa cannot be issued inside within the country as it is over...
  5. moochops

    Moving to Canada to work with no education past high school

    Thanks for the clarification, thats unfortunate for the op :(
  6. moochops

    ***** I E C Visa Expiring ************

    Yes I believe she can. She can apply for a further year and if accepted will just need to leave and re-enter to obtain it (a days shopping in the states is always a good excuse!)
  7. moochops

    Moving to Canada to work with no education past high school

    Does the IEC not apply for american citizens??? IEC is a working holiday visa I know is available to those under 30 from the UK, Australian / New Zealanders etc have this too - so I would check if there is this type of visa for Americans. If there is this option then it would solve a lot of...
  8. moochops

    PR Sponsored by Spouse

    Yes absolutely you can apply for citizenship (I'm not sure of the time you need to have been pr in order to obtain this though - some vague memory says 3 years). You have your pr and thats yours irrespective of the divorce. In my humble opinion in CIC's eyes your husband did nothing wrong -...
  9. moochops

    Sponsor to wife, employment letter clarification

    Hi there, I don't think that it will hurt your application as CIC just need to see that you are able to provide for your spouse when she gets here. If you work for an agency it might be a good idea to include as much as you can about previous assignments, or even see if your employer will redo...
  10. moochops

    Chat and E-mail Records

    hahaha that made me laugh - only because when I was putting our application together I considered printing off FB messages from when we first met. Then after reading through them I decided it probably wouldn't be such a good idea (read into that what you will ;)) If you guys are married then...
  11. moochops

    Applicant thinks a baby will help his chances

    I totally agree with the others, as, I'm sure do you if you re-read through your post. Though I can understand the slim chance that someone else may be able to give a glimmer of hope for her, hence your posting. I might be out of line however it does come across as though this may be a...
  12. moochops

    Thread for outland Buffalo applicants!

    me too - since I had the "please send us your last ounce of blood" letter and they should have recieved everything a couple of weeks ago - I'm like a frothing loon, waiting for the next thing (which SHOULD be ppr). Oh god please please please come soon, because when I do my landing I am totally...
  13. moochops

    immigration lost our paperwork

    Not sure whether it will help but maybe copies of a bank account that you have over there - although I do appreciate that these can be closed.
  14. moochops

    immigration lost our paperwork

    Hi there, as others have stated you don't have to return to Oz to finalise anything. To land all you have to do is leave Canada (ie - zip over to the states) turn around and come back in - as you can only land upon entry to Canada. I certainly appreciate your concerns regarding being refused...
  15. moochops

    Thread for outland Buffalo applicants!

    Maple I do believe you can visit without landing. you just inform the BSO that you are not landing (they may want to know why and so on). I could be wrong but i'm sure people have done this before.
  16. moochops

    Restoring Status Question (Urgent advice needed!)

    Hi there, from my limited understanding, I don't believe you can apply to extend your status. That is somethig that probably should have been done whilst you still had a valid one. So I think the omly option you can do is to apply for restoration and pay the $200.
  17. moochops

    Canada Goose Jacket

    If I needed to walk dogs three times a day, and, living as I do in Central alberta - then yes a Canada Goose is a sensible choice, it'll last for ages, keep you warm and they look good. I have a North Face for normal days (-15 ish) and if i'm outside doing chores - or for any length of time in...
  18. moochops


    I tend to agree with the above that you should be waiting until May this year to resubmit an application. It's only a few more months and would save you the stress and financial hassel of possibly being declined again.
  19. moochops

    Thread for outland Buffalo applicants!

    Mine is a similar timescale to yours. They started processing on Jan 6th. I recieved a letter last week from them requesting further docs and the rprf dated on the 6th. So they do actually do something when they start it. So hopefully soon you'll either get a 60 day letter or a ppr !!!!!
  20. moochops

    Thread for outland Buffalo applicants!

    Yup it did!!!!! The letter also has the phrase bolded that states CPC MISSISSAUGA REQUIRES THAT YOUR SPONSOR PAY YOUR RIGHT OF PERMANENT RESIDENCE FEE. Congrats on your PPR btw ;D