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Search results

  1. Movado

    BC pnp application lodged today!

    Everyone has own unique way to Canada. A bit of luck and keeping knocking in the closed door will bring a result. Soon or later.
  2. Movado

    BC pnp application lodged today!

    I've got my BC PNP nomination by snail mail in almost two months. The decision, as I see in the letter of acceptance, has been made in the middle of Feb'13 (42 days after applying), but the envelope has been stamped by Canada Post 3rd of March only. There was no e-mail confirmation despite my...
  3. Movado

    Which best province to move with 1 year work permit to get nomination .. ?

    If you're a "skilled worker" and your employer is from BC - you can apply for BC PNP even without crossing Canadian border. Job offer is enough. It takes up to two months to get the nomination - very fast.
  4. Movado

    April 2013 PNP tracking

    Perfect! Grats! Updated accordingly.
  5. Movado


    hi, 1. This forum is for PNP-related discussions. Your question is more, let's say, global. 2. http://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/prog/nexus/elig-admis-eng.html
  6. Movado

    April 2013 PNP tracking

    marjleyson you're already there actually.
  7. Movado

    April 2013 PNP tracking

    Done. Lydia - please find my PM. I suppose you're in the wrong topic.
  8. Movado

    April 2013 PNP tracking

    Mianatee: Done. ad123164: it's impossible. I suppose only site admin is able to change that.
  9. Movado

    April 2013 PNP tracking

    Updated. There are some questions marks still - please update your data here to get the better look for our table 8)
  10. Movado

    April 2013 PNP tracking

    OK, successfully imported via CSV. Dear ALL, please re-check your data and correct if something missed (question marks) or incorrect. Will try to keep it updated on daily basis.
  11. Movado

    April 2013 PNP tracking

    Dear All, I will add your details in the nearest hours/days. Probably, will move the data from March sheet disregarding if a particular person asked for that or not 8) cheers
  12. Movado

    Tracking PNP March 2013 applications to CIO Nova Scotia

    Hi all, I've created April 2013 tracking page here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Agq20hEtYdutdGhiLU02eVkxemd0VDFMcmxMc1N0a2c#gid=0 Topic: http://www.canadavisa.com/canada-immigration-discussion-board/april-2013-pnp-tracking-t140788.0.html
  13. Movado

    April 2013 PNP tracking

    https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Agq20hEtYdutdGhiLU02eVkxemd0VDFMcmxMc1N0a2c#gid=0 Put your updates here, I will update the spreadsheet.
  14. Movado

    lmo ,nomination certificate/letter from a province

    You need to wait till nomination. I suppose the procedure will be the same as for BC PNP for example - you'll get the nomination letter along with the support letter, which allow to apply for a work visa at your visa office, prior applying to the Federal stage. Labor Market Opinion is not needed...
  15. Movado

    Do you need a degree for BC PNP?

    It depends on NOC code. Mine is 2281 and there is a statement "blah-blah-blah diploma is usually required" in the description. In my case I have no diploma in the computer-related field (but have a Civil Engineer's diploma), but got the nomination.
  16. Movado

    Tracking PNP March 2013 applications to CIO Nova Scotia

    Not so many applications logged in the file. What about to add April there? It seems there is no separate topic created for April 2013 yet. If you're welcoming these who applied in April - I will share my details.
  17. Movado

    newbie on the block

    hi markodu, check this link - w ww.canadainternational.gc.ca/united_kingdom-royaume_uni/experience_canada_experience/index.aspx?lang=eng&menu_id=7&view=d and, for job listings, monster.ca for example.
  18. Movado

    My score

    I've got reading 9, but listening 6. Please advise how to improve my Listening skills :) Regarding "Reading" - I have to confess I didn't read entire text of any reading tasks on my exam. Skim reading was the key factor. And I have to tell you it really works!
  19. Movado

    BC PNP estimated 8-10 week wait time

    Kashifm, Strategic Occupations (NOC2281, got a job offer)