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  1. tenzin Namgyal

    New Forms/Updated CIC Forms

    Ya... i could see that.. it is really strange..
  2. tenzin Namgyal


    Thanks... i was under impression that it going to take days coz doctor has to fill many files... Thanks you are the great---
  3. tenzin Namgyal

    New Forms/Updated CIC Forms

    I have no intention in speading wrong info. I am not immigration lawyer. This benefit nothing to me. Infact i am looking and trying to find the solution in when i am going to fill the forms.. I have downloaded those files back in November 2012 and they all show 'created date' as november...
  4. tenzin Namgyal

    IMM5481E - sponsorship evaluation

    ya...your calculation cleared my confusion... thanks
  5. tenzin Namgyal

    Senior Members pls help.....It's very important

    Hello, If you are still looking for information.. here is the detail: Click link below.. There are three part viz, sponsor, being sponsored, regional specific: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/information/applications/fc.asp first part is for sponsor. Second for the person applicant you want to...
  6. tenzin Namgyal


    Gulzar, You are damn right... We need to help each other to get to our destination without paying huge sum for immigratioin lawyers...... Thanks for praying.... i pray for you also... Best wishes.. Tenzin
  7. tenzin Namgyal

    New Forms/Updated CIC Forms

    That is not relevent.. what is more important is that forms for sponsor and being sponsored required for the cic are available for download. thats count. If what is the required for processing in cic is not available then we need to consider it as an issue. For you information Properties in pdf...
  8. tenzin Namgyal

    New Forms/Updated CIC Forms

    Hello, Following link will direct you to form list.. http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/index-can.asp But you should know that what are the forms you need to fill.. here is the link for you in case you are sponsoring from outside Canada in spouse case...
  9. tenzin Namgyal


    Hello Gulzar, Do you know how many days does it take to do the medical test? All in Total dasy in your case? You know, i am outside of Delhi and i need to plan to visit delhi? Your information has been very helpful.. regards, Tenzin
  10. tenzin Namgyal


    Your explaination is very clear.. Thanks.. ... Good bless you.....
  11. tenzin Namgyal

    please help me out....

    You are not fall onto catagory of New Conditaional PR. So you are lucky...
  12. tenzin Namgyal

    Medicals from Delhi - Details

    Should ask GURZAR ID and you will find his topic New Delhi 2013..
  13. tenzin Namgyal


    Hello GULZAR, I would like to ask your favour again in regard to police clearance certificate: I have found one site where it say i need to have it from Government of India Ministry of External Affairs. Is is ok to get this certificate from LOCAL SP, DCP or Sation House office from place of...
  14. tenzin Namgyal

    police certificate in INDIA: need help..

    Any one has idea of applying police clearance certificate from india? I have found in one site where it say it need to be from Government of India Ministry of External Affairs. Is is ok to get this certificate from LOCAL SP, DCP or Station House office from place of resident (regional passport...
  15. tenzin Namgyal

    Pics of our US Outland Application for Spousal Sponsorship!

    Thanks for sharing your experiences-- it is infact well presented... Good luck..
  16. tenzin Namgyal

    IMM 5285 question#5

    Thanks for clarification.. i was struck at this point also.. CIC has a strange of asking the question... Thanks
  17. tenzin Namgyal

    help in filling up IMM0008

    Yes.. this is infact good idea... i guess you would go for your option unless i found any other option. still anyone insight is appreciated...
  18. tenzin Namgyal


    I was going around this form.. it has been removed from all the links.... then GUlZAR said new system is implemented ... So there is no such form is available for us to download. Penal phyician has all the forms... here is link to to prove...
  19. tenzin Namgyal

    help in filling up IMM0008

    Yes.. I know about it.. I am falling into this catagory who by law can claim Citizen of india but there is some restrictions and procedures within the Exile Tibetan Govt in Dharamsala.. I dont know process of demanding citizen of india... If i write india, i am afraid CIC may return my file...