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  1. impatientwife


    Ok, I'm in the peel area not sure if my MP can do anything but i'm definitely gonna look into it
  2. impatientwife


  3. impatientwife


    CONGRATS everyone, I keep checking to hear everyone else's good news to cheer me up while I wait, I pretend i'm you guys for a while lol did everyone's hubby had to do interviews or was that waived?
  4. impatientwife


    I don't think it makes that much a difference other than the fact there won't be security checks, still will be in queue to process along with everyone else, is he only sponsoring the baby or him/him to another application in process ?
  5. impatientwife


    You sound just like my husband, that's exactly what he keeps telling me :) you sound like an intelligent men, your wife is very lucky. You will do great things once you get here sir.
  6. impatientwife


    guess i should stop complaining and whining so much, i've gotta tell my husband about your case, he keeps telling me to stay off these sites because i'm becoming too miserable so i already know what he's gonna say lol
  7. impatientwife


    wow i hope things come through for you soon it definitely shows you and your wife has what it takes to make a relationship work
  8. impatientwife


    wow you're lucky they didn't send the whole package back and ask you to resubmit, but it does not need to be notarized just a regular copy is fine, you can scan and send by email if you choose, make sure you identify yourself in the subject line and i doubt they'll open it as soon as they get...
  9. impatientwife


    Am I reading correctly, they've been working on your file since 2012?? that's a really long time :(
  10. impatientwife


    At what point did you order? They only started processing on Jan 25th don't wanna order it too early, just in case they add something important after I do
  11. impatientwife


    Has anyone ever ordered their gcms notes? I know it's only $5 but is it worth it? Not only money wise but does it really help you know which way they're going in regards to a decision ?
  12. impatientwife


    yes everyone complains about them, i've been seeing meds received before his file was even transferred, we did it a couple months prior to actually sending off our application due to delays, another thing i find weird, even though my part of the application is done with it still says in process...
  13. impatientwife


    I only see 3 lines, is the 4th line normal for everyone or does it depend on the VO office, i;m dealing with Kingston
  14. impatientwife


    lol thanks, do you know what ppr stands for?
  15. impatientwife


    Can someone tell me what all the acronyms mean? For instance aor etc etc I know vo means visa officer
  16. impatientwife


    you're right money goes so quickly there i wish i could get a visitors visa for my hubby, we tried before we got married and was turned down, send him to apply the other day and he was told that he won't get it because his papers are already in process so we just gotta wait it out
  17. impatientwife


    wow so sorry to hear, I don't understand why some cases get through so fast while some just seem to drag on, were there any difficulties in your case prior? I hope they don't ask us for that again but we plan to submit new ones if it's close to the expiration date and there are no new updates so...
  18. impatientwife


    That was unprofessional, if they're certified for use by cic they should have had a list of requirements that cic needs so they should have known, he shouldn't have had to pay another fee but they do things differently there
  19. impatientwife


    it might depend on the doctors office who did it, they're the ones responsible for sending the results to cic or maybe they do have them but haven't link them to your application in the system yet
  20. impatientwife


    Yes it has, it was showing that before they even transfer the file, we did it almost 2 months before we sent off our application (we had some delays) so they received it before they got our application.