You can now see which applications IRCC is finalizing right now here: here.
It currently says that they are finalizing applications received between March 31st-April 6th, 2019. Would this mean that everything is delayed by approximately a year or so?
You can get your expected knowledge test date by doing an ATIP? Also I have the exact same timeline as you, applied Jan 2020, in process since Sept 2020, Toronto application.
@piotrqc or anyone else, can you'll comment on worst case time line if this doesn't go the way we want. How much delay are we looking at? 1 year, 5 years, 10 years?
Any idea why the online citizenship test invites are so slow? It seems like they should be able to do it at scale now that its online but yet its super slow!
Awesome, is the test invite sent to your email? Seems like you are the only one here who has gotten a test invite or at least the only one who has reported it. Were you in urgent processing?
So it's confirmed that December 2019 applicants are getting test invites now? Because on the December 2019 tracker I only see 1 person who has got an invitation for the test which is 1% of the applicants.