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  1. saywisdom

    November 2013 Citizenship Application

    What I don't understand is If complementary documents can have such huge impact on the processing time, why they don't request it (or at least recommend that) with the initial application ! In the <a...
  2. saywisdom

    November 2013 Citizenship Application

    Congrats rohit234 ! That was really fast...
  3. saywisdom

    Bill C-24 Second Reading on February 27th:

    Thanks scylla for the link !
  4. saywisdom

    how long does it take to get CBP entry/exit records?

    I requested CBP record 10 weeks ago and I don't see any updates on the online status ! I do agree with Msafiri, from what I read it takes at least 6 months...
  5. saywisdom

    November 2013 Citizenship Application

    Finally some changes in my eCase ! We received your application for Canadian citizenship (grant of citizenship) on November 29, 2013. We sent you a letter acknowledging receipt of your application(s), and a study book called Discover Canada on November 29, 2013. Please consider delays in mail...
  6. saywisdom

    Lost expired passport from origin of country

    I m in the same situation! I have only copy of my expired passport... Please let us know later if they accept these supporting docs (cbsa report, copy of the passport, ...)
  7. saywisdom

    Looking to hear stories of people affected by Citizenship Act reforms

    They already started sharing exit information (Only if you leave Canada at land port ) with USA since June 30th, 2013. This is what I got when I requested the CBCA record. "Please not that exit information is only recorded for foreign nationals leaving Canada at land port since June 30th,2013...
  8. saywisdom

    Looking to hear stories of people affected by Citizenship Act reforms

    Personally I don't see how these new reforms will fix the problem of the backlog... One of the main reasons of the RQ is that Canada doesn't stamp the passports on the exit (control the borders in and out), So it's hard for CIC to check how many days someone spent inside the country. With the...
  9. saywisdom

    Montreal citizenship - any updates?

    Congrats EasyRider !
  10. saywisdom

    November 2013 Citizenship Application

    Congrats torontowarrior ! Things are moving very fast I m just wondering if you've sent any supporting docs with your initial application (CBSA report, OHIP record, T4,...) ?
  11. saywisdom

    November 2013 Citizenship Application

    You can update your stats on the spreadsheet using the link bellow: <a href="https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ApHR9gzVAMCDdHN4S0xTLUhXOVVWd3F2R3NYbDZaSmc&usp=drive_web#gid=0">Nov 2013 Citizenship Applicants Timeline</a>
  12. saywisdom

    November 2013 Citizenship Application

    Congrats rohit234, that was very fast! Have you received any letter regarding your test or it was shown on your eCase?
  13. saywisdom

    how much it can cost...

    Thanks for the link
  14. saywisdom

    November 2013 Citizenship Application

    Yes, Actually the one in Scarborough got pre-test RQ and the other one (Mississauga) got already the citizenship (No RQ) !
  15. saywisdom

    November 2013 Citizenship Application

    OK, I see! Honestly, I don't know how do they manage the Toronto applications? Two friends of mine, who live at the same address and who applied almost the same time, got their files assigned to two differents LO (Scarborough and Mississauga) !!?
  16. saywisdom

    November 2013 Citizenship Application

    From where you've applied ? (you file has been transferred to which LO ?)
  17. saywisdom

    November 2013 Citizenship Application

    I wasn't able to post the link... That's why I added the space between "https:" and "//docs.google.com/.........." Just delete the space and it'll work
  18. saywisdom

    November 2013 Citizenship Application

    I see that they have started working on the Nov applications... Could you please update your stats on the spreadsheet https: //docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ApHR9gzVAMCDdHN4S0xTLUhXOVVWd3F2R3NYbDZaSmc&usp=drive_web#gid=0
  19. saywisdom

    OHIP Health Records, How to Apply ? Format ?

    The Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care (ministry) maintains a computer record of OHIP claims submitted by health care providers for a period of 7 years. Personal Claims History can be requested for free
  20. saywisdom

    OHIP Health Records, How to Apply ? Format ?

    Just use the following form www .forms.ssb.gov.on.ca/mbs/ssb/forms/ssbforms.nsf/GetFileAttach/014-4890-84E~1/$File/4890-84E.pdf