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  1. FairyRaichu

    Question on paperwork

    So I have already filed my paperwork, but I am just wondering if anyone was in the same boat as me, where I had to send the application and photos and proof through email? I kind of feel as though I got ripped off, because they gave me a maximum I could attach to the email!! And I had over 100...
  2. FairyRaichu

    FBI police clearance might not be obtained within 90 days

    I know I was not the thread starter but thank you for the suggestion. I sent a CSE yesterday with the receipt for the fingerprints, so I will see what happens.
  3. FairyRaichu

    FBI police clearance might not be obtained within 90 days

    Yes actually I do. It's been around 9 weeks for me, from USA applied Outland. They are taking their sweet time. I sent cic the receipt to prove I did the fingerprints and got them sent to the FBI but who knows if that's even enough for them.
  4. FairyRaichu


    How long did it take you for the police clearance? It's been 9 weeks for me and the fbi still hasn't sent me my results.
  5. FairyRaichu

    Proof of relationship! stuck!

    No I don't think so. I keep checking my account to see what stage they're at, but it still only says they're working on my permanent residence as of January of this year. However I contacted cic by email and the lady told me that they have received my application and the medical and that they...
  6. FairyRaichu

    Police Clearance Process

    I know this isn't my topic but I wanted to ask something. I am a little confused on the instructions now that I've looked at this thread. I do not understand what it means about sending them electronically to CCRTIS? is that just for the OP because their partner lives in Chile? Because for the...
  7. FairyRaichu

    Proof of relationship! stuck!

    For myself, I sent pictures of mail with my name on it for the address I am living at with him (we are living with his parents). We had also made a joint bank account and sent them that as well. That's all I did. They didn't ask me for anything else (unless they decide to contact me and ask for...
  8. FairyRaichu

    need urgent information

    Asalaam alaikum. I went to the cic website to the extension section and it looks as though you can - it is in the drop down menu. (please anyone correct me if I am wrong)
  9. FairyRaichu

    Previously denied at the border - Looking for advice.

    I had such a hard time getting passed the border as well. I am an American citizen and 7 or so months ago I got on a plane to see my now husband. Everything was fine until I entered Canada and was directed to some room where they have the officers and they question you for why you're here. The...
  10. FairyRaichu

    Quick Police Certificate/Medical check question

    Oh I should have elaborated. By "they" I meant the medical place you went to. You or your sponsor are not in charge of sending the results.
  11. FairyRaichu

    Quick Police Certificate/Medical check question

    I am unsure on the police check, however for the medical yes they are in charge of sending the results to IRCC.
  12. FairyRaichu


    Thank you! I will be ordering them, and hope that they are farther into my app than just the 2 things written. Although I am still a little confused on the interview, if needed. Will both people be asked the same exact questions, or will just 1 person be interviewed?
  13. FairyRaichu


    I have never heard of the notes? Does it cost money to order them? What exactly are the notes and where do I get them from?
  14. FairyRaichu


    Thank you for the link! I am hopeful not to go for the interview but I have a feeling I might not have to. I had stayed in Canada for 6 months by March 3rd of this year but I immediately sent a request in for an extension of 1 year and actually got it! Are you aware of how long it is taking...
  15. FairyRaichu


    Anyone know how long it takes for FBI clearance? I sent my fingerprints to the FBI over a month ago and still haven't heard back from them. Do I hear back from them, or does CIC get the information from them? That's the only thing left I am waiting for, for now. Also, a question about the...
  16. FairyRaichu

    CPC-CTD-Ottawa asking for proof in email, not in the mail???

    Sorry if this is the wrong section. So I have read that a lot of people get to send their proof of relationship (IMM5490 form) via mail, yet for some reason they have told me to send it through EMAIL?!?!?! And what's WORSE is that there is a MAXIMUM of 5MB that I can send. How on earth am I...