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  1. R

    Delivered on Oct 13 still no AOR

    Okay, this is not about hysteria, CIC has lost a bunch of files and they are not processing them. I even called my federal representative, he had his office call CIC and request information about my application. So CIC told him obviously that they might have lost the application and that they'll...
  2. R

    October 11th 2017 - Citizenship Applicants under 3/5 rule

    They can get your address from your PR application, or the address you gave when you landed, or the one you used to file your income taxes. Many ways it could have landed there
  3. R

    Citizenship Applications after Bill C-6

    If his ecas is active that means his file is already registered and being processed, he doesn’t need AOR
  4. R

    Citizenship Applications after Bill C-6

    Congrats, very good news indeed. It gives back some hope for the people who are still waiting AOR since Oct 13
  5. R

    Oct applicants no AOR and reapply

    No you send it with the same receipt, no need to pay 630$ again
  6. R

    Oct 13 waiting for AOR

    I find it odd that CIC would disclose this info voluntarily
  7. R

    Oct 13 waiting for AOR

    I think you underestimate the total inpunity that reigns when it comes to Immigration services, just lookup what they did with the 10000 applications they just threw in the trash after the Buffalo Consulate closed.
  8. R

    Oct 13 waiting for AOR

    Yeah I’m not sure cause I just called them and they said if you’re on the 13th and didn’t get AOR, that means you won’t get one and your file was sent back or will be sent back to you eventually. I really hope she didn’t know what she was talking about
  9. R

    Citizenship Applications after Bill C-6

    Same but from Montreal, I called IRCC and they told me it's normal they haven't touched enveloppes that were sent on the 13th, they are currently opening the ones from the 12th, which as all forum participants who have received AOR can confirm, is not true
  10. R

    Citizenship Applications after Bill C-6

    Congrats, happy to see they didn't use our folders just to level a leg their desk, still no sign of AOR, I've been trying to call IRCC for 2 days and I can't even manage to get in the queue, the system just keeps hanging up :(
  11. R

    Citizenship application: error in mailing address by IRCC

    You can change your address in the tracking tool if it's the same as the PR tracking tool. Also you can contact them and have them update your mailing address
  12. R

    Citizenship Applications Delivered: October 16-20, 2017 (C6)

    You can understand the frustration of many people to see others get almost to the test step in the time it'll take them to just receive AOR. Especially if they sent their application earlier than others. The way IRCC handles thing it's very dissatisfying for many
  13. R

    Citizenship Applications after Bill C-6

    Tell that to half the forum who sent their application 5 weeks ago and are still waiting for an AOR :P
  14. R

    Citizenship Applications Delivered: October 16-20, 2017 (C6)

    MarceauBletard also got his a few days ago but yeah seems like french applicants are not at the top of their list, sent mine on the 11th and still no sign of AOR
  15. R

    October 11th 2017 - Citizenship Applicants under 3/5 rule

    I sent it in french, it was received on the 13th, haven't received my AOR yet, I don't think it matters tbh
  16. R

    Notice of assessment

    You don't need them, they'll get them directly from CRA
  17. R

    Citizenship Applications after Bill C-6

    What’s the email address that sends the AOR ?
  18. R

    Citizenship Applications after Bill C-6

    Work Permit = Temporary worker
  19. R

    Montreal Applicants, Bill C-6, October 11, 2017

    Sent mine last wednesday, it was received Friday the 13th as well. Now I’m waiting for the AOR. I read in the forum that Mississauga and Vancouver were slow officies, what about Montréal ?
  20. R

    October 11th 2017 - Citizenship Applicants under 3/5 rule

    Add me too please Location : Montreal App. Type : single Sent : October 11th Physical days : 1268