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  1. jamezmoran

    What after PR

    Until you get your PR card in the mail in Canada, I don't think you can leave and return freely, you need to apply for travel documents to do this.
  2. jamezmoran

    chances of getting ITA with crs score 406 in 2017

    Not going to happen I'm afraid, 406 is far too low. Concentrate on improving it to at least 450 if you're really serious about immigrating.
  3. jamezmoran

    Using Camera Instead of a Scanner

    Nothing wrong with using a camera, just make sure the certificate is flat under a bright white light (tungsten or coloured light is no good, must be solid natural white, direct sunlight works also) and your camera takes the photo to a high quality. Make sure you also crop out the surroundings.
  4. jamezmoran

    LOE Writing

    The idea is to show that you have a large repertoire of vocabulary I think. And I when I say struggling, I am referring specifically to getting full marks 9 9 9 9. CIC take into account the difficulty of the individual sections, which is why you can get clb10 writing for 7.5 ielts.
  5. jamezmoran

    Hiring lawyer is good option

    I wouldn't say it's all straight forward for the average person, many people get rejected for sending incomplete applications, usually because they didn't realise they had to include something, or for just general clumsiness in the application. Hiring a consultant/lawyer/whatever to do it all...
  6. jamezmoran

    LOE Writing

    Sure they have to standardise it, but I honestly think they've done it in the worst possible way. At the end of the day the speaking part should be testing whether you are capable of conversing with other people, it shouldn't be about testing someone's ability to make up stories on the spot...
  7. jamezmoran

    Do I have a chance?

    Could you give some more information on your qualifications and what your work roles actually entailed?
  8. jamezmoran

    LOE Writing

    IELTS isn't perfect. I'm fluent english and I only got 8 for it as well. There's a reason the score to get CLB9 is so low for the writing. The way I see it, if you're fluent in english and your grammar is perfect and you say what was asked to be said, there's no reason you shouldn't get full...
  9. jamezmoran

    Do I have a chance?

    You might get an invitation in the next few months, but you also may not. If I could put a probability on it, I would say it's not likely since historically ITAs have never gone out to people with less than 450. You have maxed out your available points and you cannot increase it any further...
  10. jamezmoran

    Do I have a chance?

    Stop speaking to this agent. If you can't get a score of 440 minimum then you should not pay to submit a profile.
  11. jamezmoran

    Do I have a chance?

    To be completely honest, that score will not get you an ITA at any foreseeable point in the future. Scores have never dropped below 450. Anything below 440 is extremely unlikely and would be completely unprecedented, and honestly anything below 430 just isn't going to happen. Your agent or...
  12. jamezmoran

    Jobs to learn english

    How bad is his English? If it's really bad then he will struggle to get any job that involves speaking to customers since most companies will be reluctant to hire someone their customers can't understand well. He should at least have a good standard of English before going for these jobs.
  13. jamezmoran

    Got An ITA but discovered something bad

    If you received points on the basis of CIC thinking you had an LMIA, and not having an LMIA would put you below the cutoff for your invitation, you must reject. If however you did not receive any points for an LMIA, you will be fine if you explain in your LoE. Under CEC, you are still eligible...
  14. jamezmoran

    Visa waived countries PPR

    Are you sure there is nowhere to upload your photocopy under 'View submitted application'? If not then you should probably contact your visa office or CIC.
  15. jamezmoran

    Proof of Funds

    Okay, what I am saying is that his "sponsorship" will not be regarded as sufficient proof that your funds are legitimate. Firstly, he's a family member so he's already regarded as an unreliable sponsor. Secondly, from your earlier post you don't appear to be declaring this income, either as...
  16. jamezmoran

    Proof of Funds

    I'm afraid this is probably not good enough, unless you are specifically employed by your father and your income is declared and taxed. If taxes are being paid on the income, there is no problem and it should be trivial to provide proof.
  17. jamezmoran

    Proof of Funds

    I would suggest filing taxes on your income and using your tax returns to prove they are from a legitimate source. CIC will take a very dim view of income earned under the table and it would almost certainly result in your application being rejected on the spot.
  18. jamezmoran

    Proof of Funds

    If the money isn't from wages, make sure to explain where it's coming from in your LoE. CIC's primary concern will be to ensure this money is totally yours without any obligations.
  19. jamezmoran

    Proof of Funds

    Any funds you are supporting your application with cannot be borrowed money.
  20. jamezmoran

    Proof of Funds

    You do not have to wait for your next monthly statement, CIC will accept a mini-statement that covers all the dates from your last statement until the present day printed out directly from your local branch. Make sure to note it in your LoE, and also explain the source of the additional cash.