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  1. RocketCity

    Visible minorities, pay heed - The grass is not green in Canada

    One negative mark on Canada is that there doesn't seem to be any medium sized cities that has both jobs and low cost of living (i.e. Houston, Nashville, Austin). The only place with affordable real estate seems to be Quebec, but good luck finding a job there (especially as an Anglophone).
  2. RocketCity

    PR: Landing & pre-settlement in 2-3 days?

    Can you get your SIN at the airport? I thought you had to go to a Service Center to get one.
  3. RocketCity

    that was harsh, I need your support

    And none of that is relevant to any of the posts on this forum.
  4. RocketCity

    that was harsh, I need your support

    Here in US we have no owners, no superiors and no individuals telling us what to think or what to say. Since people here are free people and accustomed to certain way of life, I don't fathom how anyone dares to interfere and coerce someone else to keep quite and not express their thoughts which...
  5. RocketCity

    Visible minorities, pay heed - The grass is not green in Canada

    Outside of major cities, mass transportation in the US is likewise abysmal. I've never worked in a city where a white collared professional could have lived without a personal automobile. These were not rural areas.
  6. RocketCity

    Visible minorities, pay heed - The grass is not green in Canada

    It still is relatively speaking depending on your field. I'm still getting calls from recruiters from other companies. And I'm by no means at the top of my field. The only reason I haven't entertained any opportunities is due to the fact that I'm in the middle of my green card processing. I...
  7. RocketCity

    Address for PR card and SIN

    I'll be doing a Montreal landing at the end of May. I'll only be in Canada for a weekend. The only person I know lives in Calgary. Given my QSW status, is it OK if I use his address to send the PR Card?
  8. RocketCity

    federal Timelines share for QSW sydney applicants - file CPP-Ottawa

    The tracker on my self addressed postage has been activated today. So from CPC-Ottawa receiving my passport to sending it back was exactly 2 weeks.
  9. RocketCity

    federal Timelines share for QSW sydney applicants - file CPP-Ottawa

    I'm in the same boat. My passport arrived in Ottawa on March 12. Tracker on my self addressed postage has not been activated.
  10. RocketCity

    Bank account on visit visa

    To piggyback on this topic, do we need a mailing address to open a bank account in Canada? For example, someone who has landed but has not yet moved permanently may want to establish a bank account before he makes his move permanent.
  11. RocketCity

    Discrimination against visible minorities in Canada

    There is racism in every country, but I challenge you to find a country less racist than Canada (outside of Quebec). My friend in Alberta is a Pakistani who has lived in Pakistan, UAE, Saudi Arabia, USA, and Canada. He says Canada is by far the least racist country that he has lived in. Don't...
  12. RocketCity


    I took the TCFQ and scored an A2 (6 points). When I applied, you could get points for an A2. However, Quebec changed their policy in the middle of my application, and I lost points that I would have earned. Fortunately, they also increased the points for my AOT by the same amount (increase of...
  13. RocketCity

    Does school matters when it comes to job hunting?

    I'm sure if you were looking for a job in the tech sector and you graduated from Waterloo, you would at least get your resume looked at.
  14. RocketCity

    Canadian Experience

    In which career fields are Canadian Experience importants? Would it be important in something like software engineering?
  15. RocketCity


    I didn't know this wasn't normal. I always thought the RPRF request was made when they were about to process your application.
  16. RocketCity

    that was harsh, I need your support

    Let's just agree to disagree here. My personal experience of growing up "poor" in a first world country compared to the struggle for my brother to find a white collar job in my home country (even after graduating in the top university in the country) will never allow me to agree with your...
  17. RocketCity

    that was harsh, I need your support

    Is that comparing apples to apples? One takes the average of entire population of immigrants whereas the other one takes the average of recently arrived immigrants. That said, I don't doubt that it's gotten more difficult to find a job from 2005 to 2015. However, I don't think Canada is...
  18. RocketCity

    that was harsh, I need your support

    Maybe idiotic was a bit harsh. Ignorant is more accurate. If you haven't lived/been to a 3rd world country, you would not say that their economies are "not much different" as there is a HUGE gap between them. I have relatives who are considered poor in my home country that would take...
  19. RocketCity

    that was harsh, I need your support

    I think the bigger issue is that Canada allows skilled immigrants to immigrate without a job offer. The US, as a contrast and a counterexample, requires that you have a job offer. Which system is better for the immigrant? One gives you an opportunity to try to succeed (even if it's more...
  20. RocketCity

    that was harsh, I need your support

    In a first world country, someone at the bottom of the ladder will complain about having to take a "survival job". In a 3rd world country, there are not even enough "survival jobs" to fall back on.