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  1. Matt the Aussie

    Waiting for PR Card after landing - add your case here

    I'm also in DM but it didn't delete the actual lines - it still shows line 5 where it tells me I became a permanent resident. Maybe now they are only considering those who received a PR card as "Complete"?
  2. Matt the Aussie

    Traveling overseas with an expired PR card

    Unfortunately, I wouldn't trust what the call centre tells you on any topic. I've been personally burned before. Whenever they can't figure something out they just point you back to the website or read their response directly from it.
  3. Matt the Aussie

    Traveling overseas with an expired PR card

    Beat me to it. Second this. It may help to carry the expired PR card with you and explain to the IO that your application for a new one is in progress.
  4. Matt the Aussie

    Bill C-24 Second Reading on February 27th:

    Good point, NZ passport holders do have certain automatic rights in Australia.
  5. Matt the Aussie

    August 2013 Applications

    I had to look that reference up, but it was worth it :P
  6. Matt the Aussie

    Bill C-24 Second Reading on February 27th:

    I know for sure Australia allows dual citizenship, as of about 10-15 years ago.
  7. Matt the Aussie

    Waiting for PR Card after landing - add your case here

    Rawfile is talking about the card itself. I am talking about the RO.
  8. Matt the Aussie

    Waiting for PR Card after landing - add your case here

    Landing date until the first 5 years are up, then it becomes the most recent 5 year period at any given date.
  9. Matt the Aussie

    Bill C-24 Second Reading on February 27th:

    The bill will not be delayed. Once it becomes law, it can be challenged, but even at that point the parts not under challenge will be able to operate as per usual.
  10. Matt the Aussie

    Bill C-24 Second Reading on February 27th:

    The story says he is specifically challenging the part where citizens (particularly Canadians by birth) can be deported to their dual citizenship country. It doesn't say he is fighting other parts of the bill.
  11. Matt the Aussie

    Bill C-24 Second Reading on February 27th:

    lol, it was a joke because of the extremely poor spelling and grammar on a post that was talking about using English :P
  12. Matt the Aussie

    Bill C-24 Second Reading on February 27th:

    Is THIS English?? ???
  13. Matt the Aussie

    Bill C-24 Second Reading on February 27th:

    I do get your point, the majority of Canadians want to see immigrants leave for good, and if they are to stay they should be contributing to Canadian society. This is why the Conservatives enjoy the support they do. Quite frankly, I agree, but a distinction should be made between immigrants and...
  14. Matt the Aussie

    Bill C-24 Second Reading on February 27th:

    Well I'm glad we agree on this, but why not specify what they mean, clearly, in the bill?
  15. Matt the Aussie

    Waiting for PR Card after landing - add your case here

    In a sad way that's actually progress on CIC's part. They were almost able to keep up this week :P
  16. Matt the Aussie

    Bill C-24 Second Reading on February 27th:

    So you see why this would be quite concerning? The bill doesn't even specify what this means! So the Minister controls: - Who he/she investigates and why - The threshold needed to constitute a breach of Intent - The final judgement of said breach In essence - Judge, Jury and Executioner...
  17. Matt the Aussie

    Bill C-24 Second Reading on February 27th:

    Who said that? 6. (1) Every citizen of Canada has the right (not privilege subject to the minister, the right) to enter, remain in and leave Canada. So Intent to Reside, I think we can all agree, will never come into play for a Canadian citizen that never leaves Canada again after the oath...
  18. Matt the Aussie

    Bill C-24 Second Reading on February 27th:

    Remember, it'll be 2 years for some of us with no pre-PR time counted!
  19. Matt the Aussie

    Bill C-24 Second Reading on February 27th:

    So, by your logic pulled directly from Discover Canada, we should immediately send out a worldwide communication to the millions of Canadian born people currently living and working all over the world that they are to return and do jury duty and care for the environment and volunteer somewhere...
  20. Matt the Aussie

    Travelling within Canada, despite not meeting residency obligations

    Second this. You need photo ID to prove you are who the ticket is issued to - that's it. I've travelled using my driver's license within Canada.