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  1. jhez2007

    Canadian Work Experience Required for PR

    Under CEC, its OK. See comparison. https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/immigrate-canada/express-entry/eligibility/compare.html
  2. jhez2007

    Etobicoke Landing Experience March 2019

    So, ur not landed yet.. :-) joke.. make sure u entered the fields correctly, same as your paper... u can try other combinations of fields. On the application, select PR card
  3. jhez2007

    Etobicoke Landing Experience March 2019

    Go to your cic account. Look for the link, Link your application to your account.. just below the list of your application. Then select PR card application, then select what fields you need to enter then submit. If found any application, just click the link to account button.
  4. jhez2007

    CEC - MAY 2019 Applicants - Join Here

    ****UPDATES 12/11/2019***** Nov 6 - sent passport to Ottawa Nov 7 - passport receive in Ottawa office Nov 25 - PR status changed to approved Nov 27 - dispatched my passport from Ottawa Nov 28 - received my passport and COPR (around noon) Nov 28 - in the afternoon, I went to Niagara Falls...
  5. jhez2007

    Etobicoke Landing Experience March 2019

    I did my landing today at Rainbow bridge. Arrived at the bridge by 7 PM then came back to Canadian border by 7:10 PM. Received my papers and asked me to go the other building. Inside the building, they took my documents and asked me to sit in the waiting area. There were 5 persons waiting...
  6. jhez2007

    Becoming pregnant after AOR

    then wait for the PPR, the declare. For now, its not needed. Below part of the instruction of PPR: STEP 1: UPDATE YOUR APPLICATION If any of the following conditions apply, you must inform us immediately via the IRCC Web Form.  Marriage or common-law union, divorce, annulment, legal...
  7. jhez2007

    Nov/Dec 2019: Anyone who submitted the passport to CPC Ottawa

    3 weeks but maybe in your case, it will back after the holidays
  8. jhez2007

    Please advice me

    1 year is also for CEC
  9. jhez2007

    Becoming pregnant after AOR

    don’t declare now as when you receive the PPR, they will ask you if there are any changes in your situation, then thats the time to declare if you will get the PPR after you will deliver. Besides, your baby will be an automatic citizen if born here.
  10. jhez2007

    Etobicoke Landing Experience March 2019

    No, cant wait. I will try to flagpool by Thursday again
  11. jhez2007

    Etobicoke Landing Experience March 2019

    Orignal request was sent here Nov 28 - IRCC.pra-rvpr.ircc@cic.gc.ca Depending on the address you mentioned on the request, they will transfer to a specific IRCC office that is near to your location. In my case, ETOBICOKE office. Request was transferred to this office Dec 02 -...
  12. jhez2007

    Etobicoke Landing Experience March 2019

    NO, I follow up with ETOBICOKE, email address.
  13. jhez2007

    Etobicoke Landing Experience March 2019

    I sent my request Nov 28 and then the request was transferred to ETOBICOKE Dec 02. Niagara falls not 100% guaranteed. Kingston is the best option right but unfortunately, I don't drive. Do you know anyone who can drive us? Thanks
  14. jhez2007

    Etobicoke Landing Experience March 2019

    I just sent an email to ETOBICOKE office today making follow up regarding my request for an appointment. They replied back to me immediately with below: Good Day, Thank you for your email. Please be advised that all schedules have been finalized for this calendar year. Your landing date will...
  15. jhez2007

    Etobicoke Landing Experience March 2019

    Landing experience Thousand Island bridge
  16. jhez2007

    Etobicoke Landing Experience March 2019

    Landing experience Thousand Island bridge
  17. jhez2007

    Etobicoke Landing Experience March 2019

    Me, Me , I tried the other week in Niagara but officer said, they have line up already. So, maybe I will try again next week Thursday. But if you drive, we can go to Kingston as they open on weekends or in Sarnia... :-)
  18. jhez2007

    Application approved but no PPR mail yet

    Have you paid the landing fee?