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  1. jhez2007

    Do I need BOWP Document for Flagpoling

    Be careful with this. CoPR is not yet validated. BOWP is required during flagpoling just in case border will not process your landing. If they dont process your landing or validate your copr, you need to enter using ur bowp as that is ur valid status in Canada. Without it, you cannot return...
  2. jhez2007

    CEC - January 2019 applicants

    You can go to this office. 56$ is the fee I think. Just bring the request with you. Try 15 Toronto St., Suite 302, Toronto 416-363-9072. I suggest calling them first.
  3. jhez2007

    Do i need Upfront Medicals?

    RCMP Criminal Record Check: Please provide an RCMP Certified Criminal Record Check based on fingerprints. Please check the CIC website (How to obtain a police certificate - Canada) and refer to the criminal record check link. Complete all steps as instructed on the RCMP website. You will find...
  4. jhez2007

    Do i need Upfront Medicals?

    For all my previous classmates including myself, has been requested to submit RCMP check after medical passed. I believe that as you live in Canada at least 6 months, they would require it. Submitting this in advance can lessen the time to process.
  5. jhez2007

    Do i need Upfront Medicals?

    if you are an inland applicant, get an RCMP criminal check based on fingerprints and upload it on additional documents
  6. jhez2007

    NEED HELP! PGWP refused due to part time study (updated Aug/08)

    How many hours per course per week?
  7. jhez2007

    NEED HELP! PGWP refused due to part time study (updated Aug/08)

    It seems impossible. 1 course should be 3 hours a week. Is there any course that you took that is less than 3 hours per week? Are these course required in your program?
  8. jhez2007

    COPR interview questions

    I never heard a case like that. I know that they always request to send passport for verification. A landing interview can be sent after issuance of COPR is the case I read for PNP applicants. What class have you applied in the first place?
  9. jhez2007

    COPR interview questions

    Depending on your case, the COPR has validity. In my case, it was 6 months after issuance as my previous WP was still valid for 1 year. If you applied in Canada, they will basically request your passport first to send with 30 days to Ottawa office. They will send back to u after 2-3 weeks with...
  10. jhez2007

    work expeirence

    IRCC will not count the hours in excess of 30 hours per week. So, even you got 1600 hours for 10 months, that is not considered 1 year of experience.
  11. jhez2007

    Canada Police Check for EE - still need fingerprints?

    This was the request to me before: RCMP Criminal Record Check: Please provide an RCMP Certified Criminal Record Check based on fingerprints. Please check the CIC website (How to obtain a police certificate - Canada) and refer to the criminal record check link. Complete all steps as instructed...
  12. jhez2007

    Canada Police Check for EE - still need fingerprints?

    You should applied Criminal check based on fingerprint. The office you applied for RCMP Certificate should take your fingerprints and sent to RCMP. That police certificate is not enough with IRcC
  13. jhez2007

    Calculating 12 Months of Full time work for CEC? Do they want full 12 months or 52 weeks apply?

    They will not count the hours in excess of 30 hours per week
  14. jhez2007

    NEED HELP! PGWP refused due to part time study (updated Aug/08)

    As long as the school will confirm that your 3 courses in 1 semester is not considered part time then ok. pGWP requires you to be full time. But as per definition in ircc website, fulltime is at least you spend 15 hours a week at school OR depends on how your college or University defines what...
  15. jhez2007

    Sibling points

    No, the sister should be in Canada. Aside from proof of relationship with the sister, they would require proof of residency in Canada for the sister. https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/news/2017/03/express_entry_improvementsspring2017.html
  16. jhez2007

    Pedmemanent residency refused in express entry

    . Buying will show a stronger ties than rent I believe.
  17. jhez2007

    Pedmemanent residency refused in express entry

    Or buy a properties in Ontario
  18. jhez2007

    Etobicoke Landing Experience March 2019

    No need to stop @Canadian border. Go straight to US border. Bring your passport, CoPR, current/previous work permit. At the US border, just tell them that your there to your status in Canada or just tell them flagpoling. They will ask your passport and will give you a rejection document and...
  19. jhez2007

    Apply after pgwp

    You can submit your express entry profile online but you cannot apply PR under CEC until you receive an invitation to apply