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  1. chrismgallen


    Glad that you finally heard something at least Bow! What date was the letter you received mailed?
  2. chrismgallen


    Hi folks, Looking for advice. I'm currently on a TRP that expires on September 5th of this year. I applied for spousal PR (common-law) and the OWP in May. I received AOR on the 23rd July but have not heard anything about the OWP as of yet (I appreciate that I'm still within 4 months). I...
  3. chrismgallen


    Official timeline is "within 4 months" but it seems the average waiting time for people on this forum has been around about 90 days if you look at the inland spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ArK2RVjQ5v59dFlqaGRPN3JxaGY4Nk9ucTZxV1Z0NEE&usp=sharing#gid=14
  4. chrismgallen


    Wait, if you had visitor status, did you also have a Visit Permit / TRP? If you did, your UCI number will be the same as is printed on there and you should be able to try and check your status on ECAS... other people in a similar situation were able to do so and check ECAS even though they...
  5. chrismgallen


    I find it easier to never listen to the call centre agents. I called and asked the same thing about my OWP app as I'm going to be back on implied status again soon and just wanted to be sure that they hadn't lost the application and they told me nearly the same thing as you. They seem to be...
  6. chrismgallen

    May 2015 Inland application

    I saw someone else (cyysz) got their open work permit yesterday. He applied the day before you and also didn't receive AOR. Hopefully you'll be in the same boat - the good news is that if you *do* get your OWP soon, it'll have your UCI on it and you'll be able to check ECAS. Fingers crossed for...
  7. chrismgallen

    May 2015 Inland application

    Hey, did you manage to get anything out of CIC when you called or are you still waiting on AOR?
  8. chrismgallen


    After just 4 months of not working, I'm itching to get a new work permit. Super happy to see you guys getting them and I guess I should expect mine in about two weeks! Fingers crossed!
  9. chrismgallen


    Fantastic news! If my mailman decides he ever wants to visit again then mine shouldn't be too far behind I hope! Fingers crossed for everyone else waiting!
  10. chrismgallen


    I know that they say not to, but have you tried calling immigration at all?
  11. chrismgallen

    one-year pilot OWP for spouses and common-law partners

    Purely out of interest (as I know I'm still within the posted 4 month timeframe) - has anyone who applied inland in May received their OWP yet?
  12. chrismgallen

    May 2015 Inland application

    Hey, it was emailed to my sponsor directly. People were getting AOR after about a month at one point but it seems like may applications are taking nearly two months for some reason.
  13. chrismgallen

    Rejected Application - IMM1344 not complete?

    Yeah I was going crazy with worry that it meant the application was being returned or something. No idea why it took so long but hoping it doesn't mean my OWP is also going to take forever o.O
  14. chrismgallen


    It's already on the spreadsheet but just so everyone here knows too: Application recvd: May 19th 2015 AOR recvd: July 23rd 2015 Don't know why it took so long but hoping the OWP follows very shortly
  15. chrismgallen

    May 2015 Inland application

    Hey folks, I applied inland in May, application was recvd on May 19th and we got AOR on July 23rd (seem to be taking about 2 months at the moment for some reason). No news on the OWP so far, but fingers crossed that won't take too much longer as I'm going stir crazy sitting at home all day.
  16. chrismgallen

    Rejected Application - IMM1344 not complete?

    Hey guys, Just to let you know that I received AOR today regardless of using the older version of the IMM 0008, so I hope that anyone else in the same boat will receive theirs shortly if not already!
  17. chrismgallen

    Application returned?

    I'm sorry that your application was returned, I can imagine how that must feel. Do you mind if I ask what date is at the bottom of the IMM 1344 you sent? Mine show 08/2014, which according to the CIC site is the latest version - did you use the same?
  18. chrismgallen

    visit pass extension. i have a few question.

    Personal experience here. 1) I applied for a visit permit when my work permit had nearly expired so that I could remain in Canada whilst we applied for PR. We did mention in the Letter of Explanation that we were intending to apply for PR, but only briefly, and only as we thought some context...
  19. chrismgallen

    Rejected Application - IMM1344 not complete?

    As someone who sent off an IMM 0008 and OWP form that were both a matter of days out of date before realising - I now have a sinking feeling...
  20. chrismgallen

    how to apply for an outland visa?

    I'm not 100% sure whether you're referring to extending your current visit permit or whether you're referring to applying for the outland permanent residency but here's the information for both: Extension of a Current Visit Permit http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/visit/extend/visa.asp I would...