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  1. vijayarr

    May'2013 applications

    You don't have to work in your field of study to be eligible under CEC
  2. vijayarr

    Notice of Assessment (Online Printout Enough?)

    Phew! Thanks JBLoknath.. I printed it off the CRA website and sent it with my package already. Quick question.. Did you add your NOA after receiving AOR?
  3. vijayarr

    Notice of Assessment (Online Printout Enough?)

    Toddmeng I'm wondering whether you submitted an online copy of the NOA.. Can you comment on that?
  4. vijayarr

    Notice of assessment from CRA website

    Thank you jes! I searched this entire forum and no one had a concrete answer for this.. That's why I was concerned
  5. vijayarr

    Notice of assessment from CRA website

    Well, now I have a copy of the 2012 which is the latest but I wouldn't be able to add it until I receive AOR. Since my application is already at CIO I'm not sure what needs to be done. I thought the online version would suffice. But need to confirm this . Can some one comment please?
  6. vijayarr

    Notice of assessment from CRA website

    Hello all, Has been a while since I posted a question haha. But, there is something I would like to get clarified. I attached a copy of the NOA which I printed off from the CRA website. Do you think they accept an online copy? I already mailed my application and it has been received on April...
  7. vijayarr

    Desperately seeking advice

    There are few complications when you get expelled from the university. So let me know when he got expelled as well.
  8. vijayarr

    Desperately seeking advice

    I'm confused! Why did your PR process get halted cuz of your brother? Most of all, your brother is NOT your dependent. I had a friend who faced similar situation (like your brother) but I would like to understand few things before I suggest something: 1. I understand he got expelled from the...
  9. vijayarr

    Mailing Address/Courier

    Courier address is : Citizenship & Immigration Canada Canadian Experience Class Centralized Intake Office 49 Dorchester Street Sydney, NS B1P 5Z2 Canada
  10. vijayarr

    Schedule 8_ Question 5

    Being a student is not an occupation
  11. vijayarr

    Rcmp requested need help plz!

    I wouldn't take a chance at this point . Get a new one!
  12. vijayarr

    Rejected PR application: How to obtain original documents; reapply; refund

    My understanding is that if the principal applicant gets rejected so does the dependants. So don't worry about the dependants. Lets just say all of you got refused.
  13. vijayarr

    Rejected PR application: How to obtain original documents; reapply; refund

    @yahoo7: I agree with the latter half of what you said. We all know CEC is pass or fail. CIO should be able to assess the eiligibilty as well (apart from just verifying whether people have sent out all the required docs) and send out rejections as early as possible. It's sooooooo frustrating...
  14. vijayarr

    Rejected PR application: How to obtain original documents; reapply; refund

    Another case of rejection coming from CIO Sydney . Seniors any idea whether the CIO has started doing some basic assessment on eligibility other than sending AOR?
  15. vijayarr

    Rejected PR application: How to obtain original documents; reapply; refund

    Also you need to get minimum 6 in reading, writing, speaking and listening for skill level A or 0 job. Keep that in mind this time. The CIC decison is rightful and don't bother squandering about the scores anymore.Good luck!
  16. vijayarr

    Rejected PR application: How to obtain original documents; reapply; refund

    Sorry to hear about your rejection and don't even waste your time requesting original documents back. im almost positive they are not going to send it to to you ( and if they did .. knowing the speed of these guys .. you would have even collected all the documents from scratch by the time they...
  17. vijayarr

    July 2012 Application Rejected

    @infoseeker: The date of graduation (ceremony) is what they are looking for and it should be printed on your degree for sure . At least mine does.
  18. vijayarr

    July 2012 Application Rejected

    @infoseeker: it's not you can always graduate in couple of months. I completed my degree requirements in January 2011 but however I did not graduate until July 2011. So it depends. But again, the old program seems to be a mess . My understanding was that they always took the date of your...
  19. vijayarr

    BOWP Application without AOR

    Oh snap! meeting guys is weird? lol You should have some guy friends.. No?
  20. vijayarr

    April 2013 Applications

    LCM21 you're on the right track.. STICK TO THE PLAN!! :P