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  1. kiwi123

    MAY 2014 OUTLAND Applicants

    I agree, starting your own thread would have been a better option in this case. Those who are willing to help generally check multiple threads so either way it would have been seen.
  2. kiwi123

    Permanent Resident for Family Class Rejected..PLS HELP!

    Did you declare to CIC that you were married before you landed? If so they just want proof of that. If not, you really should have because you will never be able to sponsor him(im not sure if this can be reversed on appeal). He will have to find another class to immigrate to Canada through.
  3. kiwi123


    Your previous posts suggest that you have received no correspondence from CIC just a few days ago, did you receive a request for photos from them. Because if not why are you sending them? They may be having trouble matching photos to your original application without a file number.
  4. kiwi123

    Spousal sponsorship

    I am from a Visa Exempt country so I have no experience with this, but the stated time for Visitor Visas is 10 days, you only submitted something like 6 days ago. Wait until the posted time has passed before you get stressed out. It looks like you have implied status anyway, so I'm not sure...
  5. kiwi123

    Sponsorship and walfare

    1) No 2) Each province will be slightly different. This will depend on what his level of income is, number of dependents. 3) I believe wElfare is managed at a provincial level so each province may work differently. But I imagine they all require you to report if your situation changes(ie new...
  6. kiwi123

    Spousal sponsorship

    The only way to know if they received it is through tracking your parcel, and paying for signature on delivery. After thats it is just a waiting game until they send you some correspondence. Everyone goes through the same thing. Why do you post your comments in many different places? One...
  7. kiwi123

    Newbie here, so confused!

    Since her husband is Canadian Citizen do the children need to do a medical? I think it will be a totally different process for them(applying for citizenship by descent, then applying for passport). Sorry I don't know much about this process but I imagine that it will be a quicker process and...
  8. kiwi123

    flagpoling at an airport

    You would have paid for the flights anyway, why wouldn't you just take them?
  9. kiwi123

    So easy for Third Worlders? Why?

    This makes me laugh, the other day I ordered a double double, I was a few km down the road before I realised they had given me a double double TEA. Must have been the first day on the job, it wont take them long to work out there is only one double double at Tim Hortons. I still visit the...
  10. kiwi123

    So easy for Third Worlders? Why?

    Immigration policys are written in a way that is meant to benefit the country and its citizens, not written so that anyone can immigrate just because they want to. The exception to this is working holiday visas. The reason you see a lot of "third worlders" is because they are happy to do jobs...
  11. kiwi123

    Outland application made but visa expiring

    Yeah, I think there was somewhere to upload a cover letter, I just wrote everything I wanted to in it.
  12. kiwi123


    Whoops, you are absoultely correct. Deleted post, hopefully the original poster didn't see it. I would have hated to have stressed someone out for no reason.
  13. kiwi123

    Outland application made but visa expiring

    I remember looking for info on this when I was applying so I will share what worked for me, although it was nothing too complex. I applied on line for an extension, and I made it very clear that all I was after was the remainder of my LMO, nothing more. I didn't even bother getting new offer...
  14. kiwi123

    Outland application made but visa expiring

    My LMO was over 1.5 years old. I imagine the 6 months you refer to is for originally applying. It must be a common issue, NZ only issues 5 year passports so with a 3 year LMO that's a pretty high chance passport will expire before LMO.
  15. kiwi123

    Permanent residance

    I think for anyone to be able to give you any advice you will need to provide a little more information. The very minimum being who you are sponsoring(Spouse, parents....?)
  16. kiwi123

    September 2014 OUTLAND Applications

    You need to use the most updated forms. Your application will either be returned or at least they will request the new versions potentially causing a delay. Best to fix this now before your package gets sent. Even if it delays you a day filing your application it will save time in the long...
  17. kiwi123

    Outland application made but visa expiring

    I was in the same situation. I applied online to get remaining time on my LMO work permit, it was approved no issues. It's not sneaky the CIC website states you can do it. I recommend applying ASAP so you don't even have to go into implied status.
  18. kiwi123

    Why so many delays?

    Did you apply inland or Outland?
  19. kiwi123


    I received an AOR from Sydney VO on Tuesday. The email doesnt say anything very exciting but good to know they got it.
  20. kiwi123


    I think they only update ECAS weekly on a tuesday. So probably no point to check again until then.