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  1. DuberBlue

    November spreadsheet ?

    Keeping up with the trend of applicant-turned-helper, I'd be happy to maintain a November spreadsheet going forward. I could probably just grab the one NicAnn was managing for March/April and go from there...
  2. DuberBlue


    Hi Cecilia, I'm not sure why they would say they don't "have" that form....as you need one to include in your application. Did you visit one of the specified doctors on the CIC website?
  3. DuberBlue

    Assisted Landing

    Phones are almost always verboten during an inspection. Not sure if they'd make an exception in this case either... I just remember once getting yelled at from a US Customs Officer because I (stupidly) answered my cell phone while at the counter.
  4. DuberBlue

    Assisted Landing

    Hi there, I don't believe there's any way you'll be able to meet her inside Customs and Immigration at the airport, so she would be on her own there. It may be possible you can just use the airport arrival as a "visit" and then go with her by car to a US border to flagpole and re-enter with...
  5. DuberBlue

    App for PR inside or outside Canada?

    I actually took that guideline from the PR card application section of the website, so I cheated a little bit...but the photos you submit are actually used for that purpose. The additional country-specific checklist (USA has one) does include a photo-specification page as well, which basically...
  6. DuberBlue

    App for PR inside or outside Canada?

    There's a 1-888 number on the site which I think ought to work. In all honesty, I think you're overthinking this :) The reason I say that is because...think about it...PR applications can come from anywhere in the world. This is different than say, getting a Canadian Passport or Canadian...
  7. DuberBlue

    App for PR inside or outside Canada?

    I don't see why not. Sounion and I might disagree on whether this is actually necessary, although his advice is good, to contact CIC to be absolutely sure. The forms I saw only say "bring these specifications to the photographer" but I haven't seen anywhere that states who the photographer must...
  8. DuberBlue

    App for PR inside or outside Canada?

    The sponsor doesn't fill it out. Only YOU do.
  9. DuberBlue

    Being on Welfare - Something you guys should know

    That's why they are loans. :)
  10. DuberBlue

    Is there a law that the dr has to have a nurse during exams

    What gets me about all this is that, during my wife's medical exam, the doctor stated, right up front, that this did not include a breast or gynecological exam. She did have to change into the standard "hospital" garb, but everything was very straightforward. Just stethoscope stuff and maybe...
  11. DuberBlue

    App for PR inside or outside Canada?

    I believe you can, as long as you can adhere to all the specifications (photo quality paper, size, no shadow, glare, etc). I don't believe there was a requirement to have a professional stamp on the back of the photos my wife sent when we did ours.
  12. DuberBlue

    imm 0008 question, getting ready to mail!!!

    Sooo...in the 45 minutes between asking what to put in, and my response....you had already mailed it?? ???
  13. DuberBlue

    imm 0008 question, getting ready to mail!!!

    The PDF file I used had those values in a drop-down menu. Are you filling one out on-line or using pen-and-paper?
  14. DuberBlue

    imm 0008 question, getting ready to mail!!!

    Family. Spouse Just 1. It's you :) (I looked up my wife's IMM 0008, that's where I got these from)
  15. DuberBlue

    Mailing Outbound Applications

    The outland application package can come from anywhere. Inside or outside Canada, it doesn't matter. Are you asking about what address you should put on the application forms themselves? That, I believe, can also be anywhere but as a sponsor you would probably have to provide proof about intent...
  16. DuberBlue

    Exchanging U.S. for Ontario driver's license

    Thanks for the feedback :) We're gonna head to Connecticut for US Thanksgiving anyways, so I guess we'll plan a DMV trip while we're there.
  17. DuberBlue

    Exchanging U.S. for Ontario driver's license

    Hello all, sorry if this topic is already done to death here...but I'm a little confused on the requirement to show driving experience when exchanging her Connecticut license for the equivalent G-class license in Ontario. As stated, she has been a licensed driver in the State of Connecticut for...
  18. DuberBlue

    Company that I'm working with can handle the sponsorhip.. pls advice.

    Yes. If the application doesn't include her police check it may be returned as incomplete. The CIC website has all the procedures for all the various countries listed there. Just make sure this other company isn't just trying to sell you a bogus service that you do not need. For a spousal...
  19. DuberBlue

    March 2013 Applicant

    We're in Toronto...we landed at Rainbow Bridge, Niagara Falls. :)
  20. DuberBlue

    Can i visit Canada while PR is being assessed

    You cannot "move" to Canada per se, and never tell the immigration officer you are doing that! As you said, you can visit for 6 months, and you can apply to extend that. A VERY good idea is to make sure you have a return ticket with you, so the officer will be less likely to believe you are...