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  1. DuberBlue

    Visitor Visa extension

    An inland application should actually give your wife Implied Status, so technically she should NOT have to renew the visitor visa, no?
  2. DuberBlue

    App for PR inside or outside Canada?

    EDIT: My last post was wrong..here's what I meant to say... You send all your stuff to your guy, then he'll file it all together....he is the sponsor right?
  3. DuberBlue

    B4/B4A forms help

    Kinda what I figured ;) When I flagpole with my wife we're not really gonna have much to bring over that's hers anymore, so I was curious how they'd look at a mostly-empty B4 form. But I guess they won't be too fussed with it :) It's not like the B4 form can torpedo the whole process right?
  4. DuberBlue

    B4/B4A forms help

    Not an answer to your question, but another one to add to it :) What about goods that are ALREADY in Canada (i.e. already got them through customs on previous visits by my soon-to-be-PR-spouse?)
  5. DuberBlue

    any advise

    It's kind of a funny scenario...given that you're "illegal" in Canada yet, as an inland applicant, you must not leave :) I think this confirms tho what we all suspect...the applicant can probably stay, and nothing is likely going to happen to force their removal.
  6. DuberBlue

    any advise

    That's the crux of our friendly debate Screech :) Does the CIC website quote I copied above mean that you DON'T need that status, and if that is so, does that mean there is no requirement to BE legal at the point you apply (so long as you have an eligible sponsor). Or, is this a case of that...
  7. DuberBlue

    any advise

    Ahh...that is a very interesting distinction, and it makes sense when I think about it. I never considered that you may very well need that status in the first place just to be able to apply inland. There's this little tidbit from the CIC site: "Spouses and common‑law partners of Canadian...
  8. DuberBlue

    Need help! Apply abroad or in Canada?

    For an inland app, yes, but only after the Stage 1 processing is complete. This is that 11 month thing I mentioned. I'm not as much informed on the details of inland apps but this is how it goes as I understand. Outland is quicker 99% of the time. That does NOT mean your wife can't be in...
  9. DuberBlue

    any advise

    Isn't just having applied inland sufficient for the Implied Status, regardless of whether they have applied for the OWP? That is what I have always been led to believe (and the sticky thread is worded as such as well).
  10. DuberBlue

    Need help! Apply abroad or in Canada?

    That is correct, including the processing time, unfortunately. Right now it seems closer to two years than one, although after the Stage 1 approval of an inland app (11 months is the number thrown around here a lot) your wife COULD apply for a work permit here. Does your wife require a visa to...
  11. DuberBlue

    Need help! Apply abroad or in Canada?

    Just to add to the above, I want to stress that, based on what I have read here, do not say you are bringing your wife into Canada so that she can apply inland (if indeed you choose the inland route over the outland route). That is tanatamount to convincing the border officer to let your wife in...
  12. DuberBlue

    Need help! Apply abroad or in Canada?

    You would not be able to submit an inland application in January if your wife is not IN the country. You COULD, I believe, do an outland application at that time, before you return, but when you bring your wife to Canada with you in March she will have NO status in Canada, and so you must make...
  13. DuberBlue

    police clearance thing

    You have no choice, you *HAVE* to get it. Perhaps this link will help clarify the requirements? People have immigrated here from China before :) Perhaps your friend just needs to find someone different to talk to. The page does mention a local Public Security Bureau. Is that something different...
  14. DuberBlue


    My personal feeling is that since you don't have an application ID# yet it's probably best to wait until you have at least that, or else that FBI check could end up in a black hole somewhere without the right person to check which package it goes with.
  15. DuberBlue

    Processing times for spousal visas applying outland in the US

    Since you applied Outland you have no implied status in Canada other than as a Visitor. This means at the end of 6 months you must leave, or apply to extend your visit. As far as processing times, I can't give you a definitive answer on that one, but if it's anything like other cases going...
  16. DuberBlue

    SYDNEY OFFICE - Decision made, how long until letter received?

    Still getting over the whole wrapped-up-in-3-months thing....wow, well done, Oz :)
  17. DuberBlue

    App for PR inside or outside Canada?

    That's right. Your medical can ONLY be performed by one on their list. The Option C is a form your sponsor can request from Revenue Canada (a phone call to them does the trick)...it's basically a summary of their tax filing info for the previous year. It's one of the main things the CIC will...
  18. DuberBlue

    App for PR inside or outside Canada?

    I second this. I almost went the lawyer route only because I was initially cowed by the process...my brain is too ADD to be able to sit down and calmly digest everything the CIC threw at me. But I forced myself to read meticulously through it all and did it myself. The info IS all there, and...
  19. DuberBlue


    1. Yes. I think there's somewhere in the online app that you specify it (they changed the process about a year ago to make it a little more confusing, but I recall putting that in somewhere on the form. Do you have a Visitor Record already? There's also a place where you specify the number for...
  20. DuberBlue


    My wife's done exactly that :) In fact, we've extended it several times...she's legally stayed with me in Canada for a couple of years now, and we applied outland back in March. We've normally just applied for the extension about a month before it expires, and we have gotten a new visitor record...