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  1. Chiuzi

    FSW Outland - Let's connect here

    +1 for you! thanks!
  2. Chiuzi

    Those who Waiting EXPRESS ENTRY in Six Months and not finalized!!!!

    What do you guys think is the most plausible explanation for people waiting for 8, 9 even 10 months? something wrong with the application? system's glitch? inefficiency from CIC?
  3. Chiuzi

    Express Entry 33rd Draw Forecast

    Demand and offering my friend! Competition is increasing!
  4. Chiuzi

    FSW Outland - Let's connect here

    I don't know if all employers receive this call. Especially if they don't speak english. Let's wait for the replies on the thread! (Good question!)
  5. Chiuzi

    FSW Outland - Let's connect here

    Hope you're right! Today I'm completing (at the end of the day) 139 days since AOR (almost 5 months!). Last PPR rain was very focused on FSW Inlanders and CEC Inlanders. Any thoughts?
  6. Chiuzi

    AOR in November 2015 - Let's get together

    Not good for outlanders... it seems to take longer than inlanders
  7. Chiuzi

    AOR in OCTOBER - let's get together

    What is the situation within October AOR? how many are still waiting? how many got their PPR? does anyone has that information?
  8. Chiuzi

    AOR in November 2015 - Let's get together

    This grey area is brutal. I know the feeling and wish you all the best. Hopefully you'll receive good news soon.
  9. Chiuzi

    AOR in December 2015 - Let's get together

    136 days and I'm beginning to think that my application will actually take the 6 months predicted by the CIC. Dammit! :D
  10. Chiuzi

    Express Entry 33rd Draw Forecast

    Guys, Really? to make predictions like "between 400 and 800" it's worthless!!! My prediction (also a worthless guessing): 463
  11. Chiuzi

    AOR in December 2015 - Let's get together

    135 days now... 47 days to complete 6 months...
  12. Chiuzi

    AOR in November 2015 - Let's get together

    5 months from AOR to PPR - a good time. Hopefully mine will follow! ;) Have a nice life!!!
  13. Chiuzi

    Express Entry applicants from Brazil, connect here!

    Os processos de PNP tem sido um pouco mais rápidos devido ao trabalho prévio de checagem da Província. Ainda assim, e não quero te desanimar nem nada, não contaria com algo antes de 4 meses - especialmente com VO de São Paulo. Welcome to the waiting game! ;)
  14. Chiuzi

    AOR in December 2015 - Let's get together

    I have received disappointing news from my immigration consultant saying that it's best for me not to expect anything before the 6 months... he said that October and November applications (which he is in charge of) are being processed right now.
  15. Chiuzi

    Express Entry applicants from Brazil, connect here!

    Olá Vfonte, Difícil a ligação quando o empregador não fala inglês. Por exemplo, se enviou a carta redigida diretamente em inglês, o CIC entende que alguém pode responder por ela na empresa (já que escreveram em inglês), entretanto, se enviou a carta em português acompanhada pela tradução...
  16. Chiuzi

    AOR in December 2015 - Let's get together

    This is brutal... >:( I was truly hoping that within 4 months CIC would actually process my application. I know I know... the "official" processing time is 6 months - BUT, seeing all these people (from December, even January) receiving their PPR within 2 or 3 months gave me the false hope that...
  17. Chiuzi

    AOR in November 2015 - Let's get together

    Nice!!! probably will get your PPR soon!
  18. Chiuzi

    Express Entry applicants from Brazil, connect here!

    Não quero desapontá-los, mas ontem completei 4 meses (AOR 18 de Dezembro). Vi na thread de Dezembro que alguns já receberam, especialmente PNP's Inland pois o processo foi "previamente" checado pela Província. Eu sinceramente não estou esperando nada antes do início de Maio (aproximadamente 5...
  19. Chiuzi

    AOR in December 2015 - Let's get together

    123 days for me too... :(