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  1. lepatissier07

    Detroit Timeline for Stamping visa after PPR

    No problem with your friends address!
  2. lepatissier07

    BUFFALO APPLICANTS - File transferred to other VO due to Buffalo closing down

    lucky you... :) a bit snow here yesterday....tonight it was -12C...getting there...
  3. lepatissier07

    CIC - Returned Documents after Landing

    That's the thing, there was mentioned they needed original reference letters, (which didn't give) and other originals, like T4 from UK, Germany etc...... Originals..... I don't mind them having them to doublecheck my file etc. But that doesn't mean they can just have them, these are my documents...
  4. lepatissier07

    Detroit Timeline for Stamping visa after PPR

    Regular mail possibly 1 week or a bit longer, prepaid express envelope 2-3 days....
  5. lepatissier07

    CIC - Returned Documents after Landing

    Hi there, I recently landed, and wanted to ask if somebody knows, how long CIC needs to return my documents. They requested originals of certain things which I need back. I don't mind the police clearances, but other stuff. It said on the checklist they would be returned. Thx
  6. lepatissier07

    Detroit Timeline for Stamping visa after PPR

    i says 63Calendar days on CIC website, and it seems to be quite accurate. i read 63-65days most of the time here.
  7. lepatissier07

    BUFFALO APPLICANTS - File transferred to other VO due to Buffalo closing down

    sorry mate, I can't confirm that, it hasn't happened to me, i renewed my WP. If I would have known...i would have looked for a new employer, but i was in a rush (due to LMO issues) and went from one day to another to the border with my CSQ.
  8. lepatissier07

    How Long is it taking to receive PR Card these days, anybody got recently??

    lucky you :) looking sexy your card? cant wait to hold mine in my hands....
  9. lepatissier07

    BUFFALO APPLICANTS - File transferred to other VO due to Buffalo closing down

    ahhh....cr*p.... :o if i would have known this in july... *grrrr*
  10. lepatissier07

    BUFFALO APPLICANTS - File transferred to other VO due to Buffalo closing down

    Harvie, Please double check this! Only to renew current WP (or new workpermit) with current employer, not new employer! I was only able to renew with current employer that way in July, wanted to change, wasn't allowed, stayed with my current, until PPR came in October, then i gave my notice. :)
  11. lepatissier07

    BUFFALO APPLICANTS - File transferred to other VO due to Buffalo closing down

    Congrats ! :) moving slowly though....not many PPR's this month...
  12. lepatissier07

    BUFFALO APPLICANTS - File transferred to other VO due to Buffalo closing down

    yeah, i'm aware of this. where i did my landing, the officer said to me 4-6 weeks for the Card, and i "applied" right there. But as much as i've seen here in the forum, it stays at 63 days,..some people even waited longer than that. i guess mine will arrive mid january. Yes, your friend can...
  13. lepatissier07

    Detroit Timeline for Stamping visa after PPR

    still "In Process"... landed on 3rd November...
  14. lepatissier07

    BUFFALO APPLICANTS - File transferred to other VO due to Buffalo closing down

    hi there, yes, you can land anywhere you want, but it is highly recommend to have an address in Montreal (or Quebec province) to show your intentions at the POE, since you are under QSW. If you don't have an address here, you might have to answer some questions. :) The PR card will be...
  15. lepatissier07

    CPP-Ottawa ONLY - Post your timeline here! faster processing?

    Congrats. :) you know you don't have to Send your stuff to Detroit, windsor is fine, too. Possibly cheaper, too.