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  1. lepatissier07

    BUFFALO APPLICANTS - File transferred to other VO due to Buffalo closing down

    Ecas still the same....we'll next week. @mast they told me about the document to travel. i mentioned that i want to go on vacation mid-december...and she said the card should arrive 4-6 weeks from now...if not...somebody can send it to me in germany and i just come back using the PR card. The...
  2. lepatissier07

    Detroit Timeline for Stamping visa after PPR

    check my post on "Landing Experience Montreal Inland" under PNP. :)
  3. lepatissier07

    BUFFALO APPLICANTS - File transferred to other VO due to Buffalo closing down

    Thx :) i'll be around here...i still get notifications :)
  4. lepatissier07

    how to obtain a new zealand police certificate?

    the GCMS notes contain all your information they have or what you gave them to start immigration. you can ask for a print out, either for free or order it for 40$ from CAIPSnotes.com . it only helps for 2 things: to get an estimate how far they are with processing your file, how much time is...
  5. lepatissier07

    Landing Experience - Montreal - Inland App

    hi there, it has been done, i landed. here a short story of what was happening: I'm here since July 2010 with WP's. (WHV and YP) Applied inland. (Montreal/Buffalo~Ottawa) Flagpoling was done at: Bernard LaColle Crossing, 30min from Montreal Duration: 1h approx First: 10min at the US...
  6. lepatissier07

    how to obtain a new zealand police certificate?

    This is what I sent and according to my GCMS notes they used it. The disclosure is fine, you sent it a.second time and now its quite? That's normal, it takes about 2 weeks to get answer from new Zealand. Backgroundchecks are in progress.
  7. lepatissier07

    BUFFALO APPLICANTS - File transferred to other VO due to Buffalo closing down

    i know...i know...:) unfortunately we don't have any control over this whole process... :(
  8. lepatissier07

    BUFFALO APPLICANTS - File transferred to other VO due to Buffalo closing down

    I'm not familiar with Ontario PNP, sry. With the QSW stream i didn't need a labour market opinion, just a copy of my CSQ and the completed docs for WP extension at the border. Maybe it works for you, too that way?!
  9. lepatissier07

    BUFFALO APPLICANTS - File transferred to other VO due to Buffalo closing down

    then its allright. Montreal did get much,...at least not as much as they forcasted, we even had sunshine, scattered Rain during the day and evenning.
  10. lepatissier07

    BUFFALO APPLICANTS - File transferred to other VO due to Buffalo closing down

    are you guys alright anyway? has anybody been affected by "Sandy"?
  11. lepatissier07

    Detroit Timeline for Stamping visa after PPR

    thx mate, :) but no family.. single applicant.... :)
  12. lepatissier07

    Detroit Timeline for Stamping visa after PPR

    landing will happen on Saturday....COPR arrived yesterday,.. :) ..late Canada (Express) Post delivery....5pm...
  13. lepatissier07

    Detroit Timeline for Stamping visa after PPR

    They received it 12th October, the return tracker was activated 25th in the afternoon. I send it to Windsor.
  14. lepatissier07

    Detroit Timeline for Stamping visa after PPR

    never mind, Express post envelope arrived late at 5pm. Contents: 2 copies of COPR, one with a photo stuck on it, other photo still there, but not used. 1 copy of my workpermit 1 copy of the identification part of my passport, all other 31 copied pages (of my...
  15. lepatissier07

    Detroit Timeline for Stamping visa after PPR

    hi, thx...haven't landed yet, but my COPR is on its way....should be there tomorrow. the reason why i asked was that you 4 guys received your COPR within about 7 days....and whether the upfront paid RPRF has something to do with it. its ok now. :) mine took 8/9 business days.
  16. lepatissier07

    Landing Question

    hi there, i'm about to get my COPR in the next 2 days, and will do my Landing at the border close to Montreal. I'm in Canada since 2010 on a Work Permit. Regarding the inital PR Card,... do i still have to complete the IMM 5444E to apply for the inital PR Card or will it be sent...