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  1. M

    Student Visa - Work permit

    Re: student visa rejected,will apply again,,,good idea? For further clarification you may want to refer to OP12 section 5.20 & 5.21 if you would like any further assistance please do not hesitate to contact us.
  2. M

    Student Visa - Work permit

    Re: student visa rejected,will apply again,,,good idea? If you are a full time student you do not need a work permit to work on campus and you can work on campus as soon as you arrive for as long as you visa is valid. Please refer to imm 5580e page 7.
  3. M

    Applied for Immigration - DENIED.

    Re: student visa rejected,will apply again,,,good idea? Well i think your crazy! Appealing ten years after the decision. You people must really be desperate.
  4. M

    student visa rejected,will apply again,,,good idea?

    An affidavit is worthless document it is unenforcable.
  5. M

    wish to study in canda but need guide

    Looks like I was right after all!! You have immigration intent written all over what ever application you make for canada from the UK. No need to abuse the UK government. If you ever make it to canada remember one thing the head of state is the British Queen. A historical note: I personally...
  6. M

    Student Visa - Work permit

    You need to read "Studying in Canada: Work permits for students" on the CIC web site. If you cannot be bothered to read it than pose the question as follows in your posting: "I cannot be bothered to make the time and effort to find out myself first hand so can someone tell me I'm coming to...
  7. M

    student visa rejected,will apply again,,,good idea?

    FAO usama9z Everyone knows by now that I shoot from the hip and take no prisoners. First of all your property documents are not liquid. Liquid in the asset sense means cash or something that is readily convertible into cash like gold. Secondly you need to tread very carefully regarding your...
  8. M

    student application inside Canada

    Regarding the LAW, priority is given to the ACT not to the regulations which are drawn up by "faceless committees". IF gmmbbs is refused a student visa from inside Canada based on a regulation that he/she can only apply from outside than that decision is appeable in court because it goes against...
  9. M

    Estimate Cost of Living in Canada

    The CIC web site states the minimum amount at 10,000 C$. This does not mean all things being equal they will accept all applications which show fees+10,000 C$. An applicant from western europe or the USA can get away with 10,000 C$, applicants from developing or backward countries will need to...
  10. M

    Sister denied student visa, can apply as tourist right away? Please help.

    My advice stands do not re-apply, you are going to make things worse.
  11. M

    student application inside Canada

    The proof is always in the pudding! gmmbbs my advice to you is go ahead and apply from inside canada. If you get the response that you are not allowed to apply from within Canada than I am wrong. If you get your student permit from inside canada than I am right! Please report the result of...
  12. M

    Applying from Saudi

    That is funny! Peaceful you say! 100's of people are murdered in Karachi every day! Bombs go off every other day! Oh what happened to those poor brothers who were lynched and murdered in Sailkot last year?
  13. M

    wish to study in canda but need guide

    First and foremost if you are interested in studying in canada (believe you and me I dont think you are interested you are only interested in finding a way to immigrate to Canada) than you need to start off with the no brain scenario. It costs to study in Canada can you produce a bank statement...
  14. M

    stamp in passport

    If you are from a visa exempt country than do not worry. If no date is written or stamped than you can stay in Canada up to 6 months from the date of entry. Once you leave Canada and re-enter at a later date the 6 month period is reset unless otherwise stamped or written in your passport by the...
  15. M

    single entry or multiple entry

    The choice regarding single or multiple entry visa's is a no brain scenario. If you have never visited Canada do not apply for a multiple entry. If you do not have strong ties to your home country and to Canada do not apply for a multiple entry.
  16. M

    tourist visa.... please can anyone want to help me on this

    Wait till he is legally separated from his wife, and has the paperwork to prove it, than apply. Scenario: You do not want your papers to be processed by a VO who is going through marriage difficulties or a divorce. Because the VO he or she will take the view you are a home breaker and they will...
  17. M


    Things do not add up? Your going to graduate this year and also get married later in December. You should be happy not depressed. Is part of you marriage contract that you have to get your new husband a work visa for Canada? That is the way it appears to me and that is the way it will appear to...
  18. M

    Passports probably lost!!

    Sometimes you learn lessons the tough way. You should never send by post a passport (valid or invalid), unless the postal service can varify on receipt they give you the post contains a passport belonging to such and such. Otherwise take time out and go to the embassy/consulate hand it in...
  19. M

    Need Urgent Help?

    IO at the port of entry can ask you anything he likes regarding your application, and if he is not satisfied to your true intentions he will refuse you entry. No brain scenario!! I shoot from the hip.
  20. M

    Sister denied student visa, can apply as tourist right away? Please help.

    To put it briefly and kindly, you really messed up! Your sisters chances of getting a tourist visa now or anytime in the near future is next to zero because she has immigration intent written all over it. Sorry about the negative, but I shoot from the hip.