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  1. soanxiouswifey


    mi a tell you Jammy, if hubby was here then definitely we would be having a whole heap a ''sawt out'' sessions. maybe making our little girl.. :P naughty corner for u canuck! lol
  2. soanxiouswifey


    Jammy dat seasonal bam bam usually a di babymaking ones ino...lmao. Thanks Virtuous. month done! new month. nuff more updates
  3. soanxiouswifey


    KMC u work in travel? i think me n u in got rprf requests....hubby paid ours two weeks ago, still have not heard anything back. would take up that offer but hubby already booked and paid for his ticket
  4. soanxiouswifey


    Jammy u must be SUPER PROUD of your little angel. smother her with hugs and kisses and nuff love, she will do well in canada. yeah i am just waiting waiting waiting...but i should hear something soon, my mom will be here this weekend for a month, cant wait! havent seen her in over a year. and...
  5. soanxiouswifey


    HAPPY MONDAY ALL!!!! Thanks HF... a new week has begun and usually i feel very happy on a sunday, anticipating the start of a new week where KGN will be delivering some GOOD NEWS!!!! I am a bit sad cause my dog is in labor, had three pups so far all premature and one has already died. i am...
  6. soanxiouswifey


    Thanks you Miracle much appreciated. Congrats to you! u didnt waste anytime! hahahaha. We just got caught in the backlog i guess but they moving now, so everyone soon reunited. Dont feel guilty, everything is done in due time. as jammy said when u have a child on the file it usually takes a bit...
  7. soanxiouswifey


    KGN SUCKS should be our slogan.... lmao. But then as soon as our files are done and we with our husbands we wont be so mad at kgn anymore. we would have long forgotten the torturous wait. we would be spending what spare time we have on this forum just to offer some empathy to new applicants...
  8. soanxiouswifey


    i know right! lol. people come see we and lef we same place. hehehehe. the way i look at it, i am hoping within the next two months i will be with my sweet husband, but i am prepared for the worst. kgn so unpredictable.
  9. soanxiouswifey


    Jammy trust me kgn is so unpredictable, its like they have guidelines which are not ironclad. With med redo...my meds expired from last september, and i still have not received redos.... but yet i have rprf request. so what order is that? dunno, im just waiting too to see what happens. so just...
  10. soanxiouswifey


    Congrats Miracle and to everyone else who have updates. Jammy ur time soon come babygirl.
  11. soanxiouswifey


    didnt say change, note i said add supmn to it. anywhooooo it was just a suggestion....jeeez guess my jokes are lame huh? lol. Strangest feeling i'm feeling.....
  12. soanxiouswifey


    congrats soso ;D
  13. soanxiouswifey


    LCW since u are not lonely anymore u could probably add something to ur name to suggest that ino, caa u have u good up good up man there with u in canada now. lol. u got jokes! hehehehehe. dont really know if anyone takes offence to being called a coolie anymore, the people who we call coolie...
  14. soanxiouswifey


    Welcome kenswife and RealyStg. Im sure you will find this site very informative, and even make a few friends. Bless up to everyone, lcw,jamwifey,chelly,highlyfavored,missin,anxiously,kc,confused,nae nae. All a unu, mi cyaa memba all a di name dem. Im hoping this week will bring some good news...
  15. soanxiouswifey


    Maple sorry for your loss. she lived long though blessings.
  16. soanxiouswifey


    Sheraig, so so true. i think i will try that. Jamwifey trust me at this point i think something will come of it. but then lets see, because a lot of crap that happens in jamaica have been overlooked and alot of controversial things have gone unoticed/unmentioned. for example...check this out...
  17. soanxiouswifey


    As i said on fb earlier JAMWIFEY the government is screwing us anally. He needs go go. country cyaa run dem way yah. Well tomoro is thursday, i think i heard a while back that a lot of people got calls on a thursday! so lets hope we get some good news tomoro
  18. soanxiouswifey


    jamwifey truly, the emails are all computerized so its nothing personal, if i wasnt on this forum i would think i am getting a personal response, they dont give a crap. them jus have the email dem fi each question, and then when an email comes in and they browse over they just choose a response...
  19. soanxiouswifey


    Missingmyhubby I know how u feel. Had to laugh at how cheeky they are, can you imagine them asking not to contact them within 60 days, and they been sitting on their damn asses all this time.....13 months. No need to say sorry, when we all have our moments when we get fed up and need to vent and...
  20. soanxiouswifey


    Just a scan thru the posts. hard to keep up, was on fb all freaking day! KFC, love it love it! my favorite fastfood. love the barbecue, i do find that the kfc in other country are not really the same...not entirely different but i prefer the kfc here to that of other countries.