Good Afternoon all... No update today.... booooooooooooo!
KG is a joke!
Missing... what the ..... that response was soooosss stinkin weak! Ah well, you tried..... nevermind! Still keep in good spirits as usual and in due time hubby a come home!
LOL sheraig.... two different people me and kmc are lol... mind before you get confused with soanxious and anxiouslywaiting hahahah

them two different people too!
Homesoon - sounds good with regards to your plan for your daughter... that would work out perfect... you should videocamera it... i think she is going to Wile OUT! Only thing i can say is remember to tell your husband to bring the papers he got from Kingston with him on his carry on... those papers are crucial when going through immigration... and also the peice of paper that Helpmeplease was talking about which he will get is the COPR... Copy of Permanant Residence. This is what you will need to get the SIN card. Double check that all the info on the COPR is right because that is the address where they will send his PR card automatically. As for the health card he will need to bring in Passport / Permanant Resident card along with proof of address.. a bank statement from the bank is sufficient. He can get his Health Card as soon as he gets all the right ID but he will not be able to qualify for OHIP coverage until after he has been here for 3 months!
Highlyflavoured.... How is work going today lol.... getting anything done? Started frantically cleaning etc?
LCW - lol.. i forgot to ask about the guiness too.... he must of loved you twice as much when he comes home and everything set up nice for him... boy a get spoiled....
i wish i had done a little something more for my hubby when he got here.... we were late picking him up at the airport... poor fella didnt have a single cdn dollar on him and he couldnt find a place to exchange any JMD of course....( one thing i would recommend is to give your hubby/wifey at least 20 dollars Cdn next time you see them so when they land if ANYTING they have a few dollars) he tried to ask a few people to use their phone and they said no and scurried away from him like he was a criminal... he was wandering what is wrong with people... lol... we went to the wrong gate to pick him up first... finally found him wandering around about an hour after he came out of immigration.. WOOPS!... it was just me and my mom... no welcome sign, no family, no pictures, no video camera no nothing LOL....just me in a bad mood cuz i was arguing with my mom about being late (she came to pick me up at work and parked underground and then forgot which underground parking lot she parked in so we spent an hour trying to find her car - she pressed her emergency button so many times that the car locked pon her and we couldnt get into for 30 more min because it went into break and enter mode) it was dead of winter... had some ugly jacket my mom had for him (which she said was nice)but was waaay to short on the arms and was stained all up, finally got to my place and I had a bottle of champagne and some food cooked... which was sooooooo overcooked since we were soooo late but whatever.. he was starving and nyamed it like no other...
Meh... At least i got some bam bam bam....
Another hard day at work for me... lol