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  1. kc416


    lonley_wife, didnt get the notification because my email is set up to my work email and i havent checked it in a while, but i read it. I will PM you back :) ebony, I had no clue they offered packages like that either, but as you said, totally deserved and will be a bonus from the standard...
  2. kc416


    very nice brown suga and lonlye_wife, that is great news. Suga you must be super excited. Congrats! lonley, one step closer to figuring out what the heck is going on. Chelley, no, the mani pedi isnt part of the doula service, but its offered in many of the packages that I have been looking at...
  3. kc416


    I love love love having a midwife, I actually have 3. I have my first midwife, then a backup midwife and then a student midwife who is my age and we get along so well. Very happy to go with a midwife would recommend it to all my friends. I am also thinking of hiring a doula to assist me with my...
  4. kc416


    I know right lilmaya, they get so much vacation time at that embassy recognizing both canadian and jamaican holidays! sorry for the dissapointment. Hopefully today and thursday will make up for it!
  5. kc416


    thanks everyone, I guess we can talk about babies while we wait for some news from immigration for you guys.... immigration, babies... they go hand in hand... and in no perticular order :) I have a sling - a big peice of material with a ring in it Maya ring sling so stinking cute......and I...
  6. kc416


    so pumped! I am due on April 9th 4.5 weeks from now, but midwife has ordered me to stay home from work - shucks lol (my last day should have been March 15 anyways) due to some prelabour symptoms. Without going into too much detail just some cramping, spotting, contractions and dilation! Not sure...
  7. kc416


    oh ya, officially on mat leave now :) cant wait for this little rascal to be born so we can play together instead of her playing on my ribs!! Feels nice to be off until April 2012 PAID! and cant wait to get back to JA like i mentioned back to Ochi for the month of July with my little daughter to...
  8. kc416


    Morning all.. I love ochi BAD bad.. my hubby is from there and we have a house up in great pond that is ever in construction lol, his family is from harrisontown and we have a house up in warrick mount - great pond area. I will be there for most of July cant wait. Before hubby when I would...
  9. kc416


    Finally Kimore, Very happy for both you and hubby. Glad to hear that you got through since you have been waiting since 2009. We really need to close the 2009 chapter so we can move on to the 2010, 2011ers. God Is Good!
  10. kc416


    Morning Everyone! highlyfavored. We sent original documents via courier and had no issues at all. You can track it no problem as well. Just another option for you if you dont want to travel to KNG. Regarding entering USA, i travelled on a UK passport and a Canadian PR card by car at Niagra...
  11. kc416


    Just popping in really quickly.... GLO, I dolnt remember having to pay anything for my visitor visa into america. Not sure if its different for other countries, I couldnt imagine it is.
  12. kc416


    Morning - Thank god its friday! woop woop! Nae, yes morning sickness went after first trimester. I was on diclectin so didnt really feel morning sickness after I started taking that but for the first 8 weeks or so was feeling poopy... finished the prescription at 13 weeks and never got sick...
  13. kc416


    it looks like KNG is asking some people go physically go pick up passport with visa in it and some people are getting asked to bring in a prepaid DHL envelope so that they can courier back the envelope with visa in it. As usual, KNG is not consistant with what they request from people...
  14. kc416


    Congrats Butterfly.... That is great news. and you application went really quick. That is some hope for thsoe who are filling. And welcome to the pregnancy club... I am due in 5 WEEKS! There are a lot of us that are pregnant, just had babies or are trying... Very happy for you and I wish you the...
  15. kc416


    Canuck.. wha gwan :) hows wifey managing the cold weather? has she found herself a good hairdresser yet?? love your jokes as always lol!! Baby is coming along great.. cant beleive only 5 more weeks left. I have officially hit the "nesting" period. I looked it up and its true, all females have...
  16. kc416


    Hope everyone is doing well and hanging in there.. same old thing on my side here.. only 8 more working days for me until I am on Mat leave! Woop Woop.. nothing like having 1 year off PAID. For all those in JA, in Canada we are entitled to 50 weeks of paid mat leave after the baby is born or...
  17. kc416


    Good Afternoon all... Hi and welcome LilMaya... most people wait until an issue arrises before they contact their MP or if there has been an extremly long wait for their cases. Unfortnatly there wont be much your MP can do for the next little while. What your husband should be receiveing...
  18. kc416


    GOOD EVENING ALL.. IRVING Well, there are a few things that seem to make a case go longer than the average 7 months time that we have been seeing lately... (even though on the offical immigration website it does state that the ave time is 15 months) it has seemed that in the past when there...
  19. kc416


    GOOD AFTERNOON FORUM FAMILY! Congrats KIMORE... that is great news for a monday! You guys must be super excited! PROPER - Nicely put, I totally agree with you 100% - my family and friends kinda had the same reaction - were totally in shock and then thought I was mad and tried to stop me from...
  20. kc416


    I believe most peole get a phone call, if i remember correctly..... they usually ask you to bring it in but you can also courier the documents. They have also at times asked for any other supporting documents since you sent off the application as well - such as any more pictures, boarding passes...