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  1. kc416


    Oh nae, forgot to reply to your email about when a baby can travel, I guess there is no standard time really... I am waiting for the 2 month shots to happen first, I am sure that its not manditory - but, your doctor might recommend it. at 2 months they get that first doctor appt and all that...
  2. kc416


    Morning People! GBW - NICE! that is great news... congrats.... Also wanted to let you guys know that KIDD has been asked to pick up passport, so they should be reunited next week sometime! Love the names Nae and LCW.... I wanted to name little Tiana... Tatiana after the saint - but hubby...
  3. kc416


    Good Evening Forum Family!! Just checking in to see wha gwan.... Wow.... why when I come on here in the hopes of hearing some nice pretty update I read some foolishness..... ??? Chukie, welcome back...but for real? lost documents? the thing that sticks out for me is that for them to claim...
  4. kc416


    nae - i am so happy with my choice of using a midwife. A lot of women think that they are either not covered by ohip or that they will have to have the baby at home with a midwife but neither is true. I only found out about a midwife from a lady at work, otherwise i would have gone with an OB...
  5. kc416


    Happy Valentines Day all.. Congrats on all the updates... godbless, your time is soon.. you and anxious should be the next ones outta JA... very excited about that. Love your baby tickers lcw and nae.. lol.. cant beleive that my day is soon coming. less than 8 weeks to go :) today we are...
  6. kc416

    Tim Hortons

    I wish they would toast their bagels more... I always ask for double toasted but they never toast them enough still... nothing like a bagel with cheddar cheese and tomato on a well toasted bagel!! But I do like their chili!
  7. kc416


    awww. charlie lol. so sweet hahah. Its so true... love sure can make you do crazy things... like doing what we are all doing / did lmao ??? I have always believed in love at first sight... i dunno what really made me start to think that, i think it started when I was young from reading too...
  8. kc416


    highlyfavoured, sorry, for some reason I thought you were sponsoring your hubby. My bad :) soo many new ppl I am getting all mixed up!! well....now that I know you are being sponsored by family.... forget what i said completly lol, i believe in love at first sight and I am a SUCKER for a good...
  9. kc416


    higlyfavoured - Temptation is the devil attacking when you are weak, dont let it get the best of you. We are all tempted on a daily basis...hold tight to your hubby and remember why you have sacraficed so much for him just to have him by your side for ever and ever amen! HF - about 8 weeks to...
  10. kc416


    Kimore that is amazing news! Yay! You are obviously very excited and overjoyed right now....looks like the 2009ers are finally moving out. Bout time! Congrats girl!!
  11. kc416


    LCW and Nae, i got diclectin from the doctor and it was the best thing ever... i loved that stuff... totally took my sickness away.. i had to take it for the first 12 weeks of pregnancy but after that i was okay... but honestly it was a life saver for me... i highly recommend it and its totally...
  12. kc416


    Good Morning Forum Family... Very happy to see all the updates! Congrats to soanxious and godbless.... bout stinkin time!! Very excited for the two of you. Looks like Tuesday and Thursdays are update days... lets see what tomorrow will bring!! And NAE... woop woop... awwwww - another one of...
  13. kc416


    Glo, I live downtown toronto and i think the best place to go is kensinton market at spadina and college area - and they have the best patty shop too.. you can pretty much get any and everything and its fun to walk around that place. You can also go to no frills at sherbourne and bloor look it...
  14. kc416


    Congrats LCW... yay... when you first said you had an update that is what i thought u were going to say!!! That is great news.. hope you have a healthy and sick and pain free pregnancy as possible. 9 weeks to go for me until I meet little Tiana Marie :)
  15. kc416


    lol anxious... you soon get a little brother or sister for your son to come trouble you... bet you it wont take you long to get your belly swelly neither once you land lol CONGRATS BOO BOO!! That is great news... boy i tell you Kingston sure loves to trouble some people eh... glad that your...
  16. kc416


    glad i can lift a few spirits... like soanxious said, tomorrow is thursday, hopefully a few of you ladies n gents will get the call to bring in PP!! seems like they are trying hard to stick to the 7 monthish timeline!! I remember what it was like waiting and waiting and waiting for that call...
  17. kc416


    hi all... hope all is well. I see you guys wandering about the updates from Kingston on ecas since there has been no calls or efforts made by Kingston since then. But there was... KIDD got the call yesterday to bring in the passport. She was originally called to redo police cert. and then they...
  18. kc416


    Congrats to everyone with updates... this is great! Soanxious.............. WHAT!! :o I hope you are okay... what about little man, i hope he wasnt in the taxi too.... geeeez! thats horrible. Girl, keep that other phone on you fully charged up and make sure its still working, even put a...
  19. kc416


    Wow - what is going on with Kingston, looks like they are finally getting around to updating ecas lol... never seen so many updates before in one day on that thing! Congrats to Child of King - You must be overjoyed right now... Charlie must be too busy to do the updates lol Our file was...
  20. kc416


    Good Night all... Soanxious... i agree they are probably just wanting to make sure that everything is cris with regards to you and your sons travels during that time and that there was no over stay and that you didnt stay in america for longer than 6 months etc to need background check. Not...