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  1. kc416


    Hi Canuck :D Good link, thats the first time I have actually took a look at it - very interesting!!
  2. kc416


    Hi all... Just popping in while our little princess catches up on her beauty sleep. Hope all is well with everyone and that this week holds some updates for you all. Thanks for all the congrats on the little one. She is so precious and all of a sudden life seems to have so much more meaning...
  3. kc416


    Hi ladies and Gents.. Just a quick update to let all of you guys know I had little miss Tiana on March 30 at 3:08 in the morning. She weighed 6lbs 8oz and was 20 inches long. I was in labour for 24 hours but only pushed for 23 min to get her out. It was a long labour but totally worth it and I...
  4. kc416


    lol chuckie, waiting for baby is waaaay easier... trust me!! But at least I could have a beer and go out shopping and all that stuff when waiting for hubby.. Im pretty much restricted to the house most days or at least I cant go to far. I just finished laundry and scrubbing the tub I am hoping...
  5. kc416


    I was unsure who it was lol :) so kept quiet... no hard feelings hahaha
  6. kc416


    lonley_wife lol complain all you want... Who else is going to understand like us. I used to complain on here all the time then when i was around family, friends, co workers and when I would spend my 3 hours on the phone at night with hubby I didnt have to worry about letting loose on them...
  7. kc416


    Hi all... Good Afternoon. Hope everyone is well... Canuck, Wha gwan... love the jokes as usual. Charlie - have fun with hubby. I heard from a little birdy that MISSINGMYBOO's husband has been asked to bring in his PP so after the interview, the questioning, medical redos etc.. they are on the...
  8. kc416


    hi ladies, I wish i was at work because I had a cover letter (not manditory) which I have shared with other people and they have said it was handy. It is some where on one of the 600 odd pages of this as well but I couldnt tell you what page. I am going to be going to work this weekend to pick...
  9. kc416

    Newbies welcome here, applicants sponsoring for Jamaica

    waiting for a star - we are doing great, thanks for asking! 15 days to go, so it could be any day now. Thanks for the prayers, I will need them. Since this is my first I have NO idea what its going to be like, so I too am praying for a great labour! Prayers for your friend as well ebony :(...
  10. kc416

    Newbies welcome here, applicants sponsoring for Jamaica

    Congrats Ramdont! That is great news.
  11. kc416


    Lonley_wife, congrats on the permenant position!! Permenant is always good!! Jahlove, Its hard I know - dont feel a way about it hahahah
  12. kc416


    Canuck lol@ spike tv - That station is really for men, manswers what a silly show - I can see why you watch it though!! Yup, few more weeks to go - she sure is taking her time prettying herself up before she blesses us with her presence. Nae, I konw the feeling - I am doing our taxes right...
  13. kc416


    Good Morning everyone! Welcome JAHBee, you have most def come to the right place. Stick and stay - we are here for you no matter what. Share your thoughts, feelings, experiences, everything and ask any question big or small. Today is Tuesday!! Kingston has to give someone an update!!
  14. kc416


    LOL abacogringo - those internet sites... lol in general, I can see where she is coming from. I still stick to the saying "believe nothing of what you hear and half of what you see". HF - i know all about the joys of hubby getting a day job!! When he first came here within 2 weeks he was...
  15. kc416


    I agree, looks like KNG is working way faster this past year and a bit then Ive ever seen before. I am loving the fast pase of some files. Fingers crossed it keeps up!!
  16. kc416


    Good Morning All... 19 days to till little miss Tia comes (fingers crossed she comes before then) Last little while has kinda been slow with some updates... i hope this week, especially being the first week of spring will be a good one for unno. :) For all of those who are going to JA shortly...
  17. kc416


    aw waiting for a star very nice, I love that name. So pretty. For sure, God is good and has already blessed her nuff. Cant wait for her to come - the days feel really long right now but I know soon they will be flying by and before I know it she will be all grown up and I will be wondering...
  18. kc416


    Hi everyone! Been a min. since I have been on the forum. Just been chillin out at home, I will be 37 weeks pregnant tomorrow -full term. Likkle Tia can come any time now and will be good to go. Very excited and very DONE with being pregnant. Hope everyone is hanging in there, I notice there...
  19. kc416

    Met a girl... wanting to move to canada... help!

    Awww, im a sucker for a good love story. Congrats to meeting the love of your life. Lukily being from a country where you can easily pick up and visit Canada during the process you will have a few options. Getting married and then applying outland (you applying from the UK not within Canada)...
  20. kc416


    lol yup, I meant ladyposh :) i replied to your email. sorry bout that lonley!! got all mixed up! baby brain.